09 Dec 2021

Jakarta Return to PPKM Level 2, What Changed?

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

09 Dec 2021

Since November 20, Jakarta has reimposed Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 2. Previously, the status of PPKM in Jakarta has been at level 1 since November 3. The change in the status of PPKM is aligned with The Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No.63 of 2021 concerning PPKM ini Java and Bali. This change has an impact on people's mobility, especially in the Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) region. So, what are the differences from the previous PPKM rules?

Latest PPKM Rules in Jakarta

PPKM level 2 regulates the capacity of the number of people mobilizing in public spaces, office sectors, markets, and others. 


At PPKM level 2, the non-essential office sector is allowed to open 50% of the maximum capacity for work-from-office activities for employees who have been vaccinated. Previously, at PPKM level 1, non-essential sectors can accept 75% of employees to work on a WFO basis.

Then, in the essential sector related to community services, at PPKM level 2, it is allowed to carry out WFO at 75% of normal capacity, or down from 100% which applies during PPKM level 1. While essential sectors related to administration are allowed to operate at 50% in office, a decrease from 75% at level 1. While it was a different story for the critical sector, with no changes at PPKM level 2 and can still operate at 100%, without exception.

In addition to capacity restrictions, activities in this sector applied vaccine mandates and mandatory check-in with the PeduliLindung application or Safe Entrance feature on JAKI.


In PPKM level 2, face-to-face learning activities are allowed on condition that teachers have been vaccinated and student capacity is limited to around 50%, except for:

  1. SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, SMLB, MALB with a maximum capacity of 62%-100%, maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, and a maximum of 5 students per class.
  2. PAUD with a maximum capacity of 33%, maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters, and a maximum of 5 students per class.

This rule also applies during PPKM Level 1 so there are no changes at level 2.

Supermarkets and Markets

Transaction activities in supermarkets and traditional markets are allowed to operate with a maximum capacity of 100% during PPKM level 1. With the implementation of PPKM level 2, this sector is now allowed to operate with a maximum capacity of 75% and may only operate until 21.00 WIB. The entry requirements for this sector are the same as for other sectors, namely that workers and visitors must have been vaccinated and checked in with the PeduliLindungi or Safe Entrance application at JAKI.

Restaurant and Café

At PPKM level 1, this sector can operate with a maximum capacity of 75%, dine-in services, and closes at 22.00. However, during PPKM level 2, the maximum capacity is reduced to 50% and closes early at 21.00. In addition, there is a time limit for eating at dine-in during PPKM level 2, which is 60 minutes. Mandatory check in using the PeduliLindung application or Safe Entrance at JAKI is also applied.

Sports Locations, Cultures, and Attractions

At PPKM level 2, open areas such as parks can operate a maximum of 25%, while sports facilities and cultural sites can operate a maximum of 50%, by implementing health protocols. Meanwhile, previously at PPKM level 1, these places can operate a maximum of 75%. Vaccine mandates and requirements to check in with PeduliLindung or Safe Entrance at JAKI also imposed in this sector.


Shopping Mall

If you want to visit a shopping center, there is a change during PPKM level 2. Public places included in this sector are allowed to operate until 21.00, with a maximum capacity of 50%. Meanwhile, at PPKM level 1, the maximum capacity of shopping centers operates 100% and is open until 22.00. The requirements for community mobilization have not changed from the previous PPKM, namely mandatory vaccinations for staff and visitors and the implementation of screening through the PeduliLindung application.

For the places of worship, wedding receptions, and transportation sectors, there is no change in capacity when operating at PPKM level 1 or PPKM level 2.

So, those are the changes between PPKM level 1 to level 2. To travel and do activities safely during the PPKM period, make sure you comply with health protocols (maintaining distance, wearing a mask, staying away from crowds, washing your hands, avoiding eating together, reducing mobility, and being vaccinated). We must do this together, in order to reduce the rate of the spread of Covid-19. In addition, don't forget to stay updated on the development of Covid-19 and register for vaccinations for those who haven't gone through the JAKI application which you can download on the Google Play Storeor Apple App Store!

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