01 Oct 2021

Jakarta Transportation Integration in JakLingko Application

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

01 Oct 2021

Smartcitizen, are you a frequent user of Jakarta's public transportation? If you are, there is good news for you! The Jakarta Transportation Agency is ready to integrate routes, fares, and payments of four public transportations under the auspices of PT JakLingko Indonesia. The public transportations is the Commuter Line, LRT, MRT, and TransJakarta. With the integration of these four modes of transportation, passengers can plan the journey, book, and pay for various types of mobility services at one’s fingertips, which is through the JakLingko application. In addition, passengers can pay more affordable fares when using more than one public transportation to reach their destination.

About JakLingko

PT Jaklingko Indonesia is a joint venture company of the Jakarta region-owned enterprises (BUMD), namely PT TransJakarta (Perseroda), PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda), PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) and PT Moda Integrasi Transportasi Jabodetabek. The name JakLingko is a combination of the word ‘Jak’ from Jakarta and the word ‘Lingko’ taken from the local language of Manggarai area which means a rice field irrigation distribution system in the form of a spider's web.Jakarta’s Governor Anies Baswedan hopes that all public transportation in the capital can operate in one integrated system.

He also revealed that JakLingko, which has been established since 2018, helps Jakarta residents become more prosperous. With JakLingko, passengers can take public transportation many times with no additional cost, so they can use the budget for other needs. JakLingko also enhances the economy of public transportation drivers and vehicle owners. Their income becomes more certain and drivers do not have to chase the daily income target because they have already been paid by the government.

JakLingko Fares Integration: Stages and Targets

The JakLingko integration process will be carried out in stages. The first phase is a trial with several stakeholders, such as the Jakarta Transportation Agency, PT JakLingko Indonesia, and PT LRT Jakarta. Trial payments via cards and the JakLingko application have been carried out since August 18, 2021 on a number of routes, namely Transjakarta corridor 1 at Dukuh Atas 1 and Monas Transjakarta Bus Stop, Bundaran HI MRT Station, Dukuh Atas Integration Station, Sudirman Commuter Line Station, Manggarai Commuter Line Station, and finally at Velodrome-Pegangsaan Dua LRT Station.

The trial shows pretty good results regarding the application and payment system. The trip around Jakarta only took 3 hours and cost IDR 10,000. Furthermore, when PPKM is no longer implemented, JakLingko will launch a smart card and application with a QR Code-based payment system. This application will also provide services for users to choose the fastest route and the cheapest route with the preferred mode of transportation along with details of the travel time and total cost. Distance-based integrated faresstart from IDR 2,500 as a boarding fee and IDR 500 per kilometer with a maximum fare of IDR 10,000 for combined urban transportation and a maximum of IDR 15,000 for sub-urban transportation.

The second phase is implementing an integrated fares system and solutions as a form of mobility as a service. In this phase, the payment system will be expanded and the payment of fare between transportation will be more affordable. Later, users can use JakLingko to pay for things other than transportation, such as electricity bills, PAM (water company), or BPJS (Social Security Administration). This integrated payment system is targeted to be used by the public starting March 2022. In the same phase, JakLingko will also invite transportation companies and companies in other sectors to work together in building the integrated transportation ecosystem in Jakarta.

The third phase is the implementation of Account Based Ticketing. In this phase, the JakLingko card and application are interconnected with transportation user profiles. So, the passenger data is well recorded by JakLingko. The plan is also to provide special faresfor elderly passengers, students, and people with disabilities.

The question is, when can you enjoy all these facilities? Speaking of the fact that Jakarta is still implementing PPKM (Restriction on Community Activities), the new JakLingko card and application will be officially launched in September 2021. The development of the integration system will continue to be carried out in stages as a realization of smart mobility in the capital city. While you wait for the launch of the application, you can continue to monitor the progress of the JakLingko integration program through the JakLingo official website.

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