29 Dec 2021

CRM Innovation Throughout 2021

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

29 Dec 2021

This year, Jakarta has completed 127.534 citizen reports (December 27 data). Thanks to the system that integrates 14 Jakarta complaint channels, Cepat Respons Masyarakat (CRM). With the crucial role of CRM, the Government of Jakarta through its Jakarta Smart City continues to develop this system so that reporters/citizens can get a more secure and comfortable reporting experience. It is proven that there have been several innovations that have been made in 2021. What are these innovations? Let's find out through the following article.

April 4, 2021: Validation and Verification Feature 

On April 4, 2021, the latest version of the CRM application used by officers to follow up on citizen reports was launched. There are two new features in CRM v2.0, namely Validation and Verification. What changes are there because of these two features?

In CRM v2.0, when your report has been followed up by the relevant Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), your report status will turn to Menunggu Validasi or ‘waiting for validation’. This validation process will be carried out by the Bureau of Governance. If the OPD’s follow-up is appropriate and accepted, your report status will change to Selesai or ‘done’. However, if the follow-up is not received, the report status changes to TL Ditolak (rejected).


For some reports that require direct checking, the Governance Bureau will verify on site first. Verification is carried out to ensure that the follow up carried out by the OPD is in accordance with the standard. If appropriate, then your report will be completed and the report status will change to Selesai. If it doesn't match, don't worry, the report is considered unfinished and the process is repeated until the conditions on site are appropriate. The existence of this feature will help you as a reporter to get follow-up according to standards so that the problem is completely resolved.

May 4, 2021: Private by Default

Smartcitizens are worried that the identity of the whistleblower will be leaked? No need to worry. As of May 4, 2021, CRM was developed with a new innovation in the form of a private system by default. This innovation resulted in customizing the appearance of the CRM application used by officers which resulted in the additional security of the reporter's data. The display adjustments are as follows.

  1. Private reports are labeled and photos are locked so it cannot be viewed. Photo access can only be granted by the Biro Tata Pemerintahan (Bureau of Governance).
  2. Reports that are public or non-private are also labeled so that officers maintain the confidentiality of report data, even though they are not private reports.
  3. Private reports do not appear on the CRM Portal and can only be viewed, except for the photo of the report, on the CRM application of the officer in question and the JAKI application belonging to the reporter.
  4. The name of the complainant becomes anonymous when accessed by both officers and the Biro Tata Pemerintahan.

11 July 2021: Private by Default 

Continuing the effort to maintain reporters’ identities which was carried out on May 4, 2021, on July 11, 2021, all public reports (not only private reports) and follow up reports (Laporan TL) on CRM are given a reminder label to the officer that the identity of the reporter need to be maintained. The aim is to remind officers that the details related to the report, including the complainant's data, cannot be disseminated, regardless of whether the report is private or public.

Public report



Private report

19 July 2021: Hidden Hour and Date of Reports

Still in an effort to protect the reporter's identity, on July 19, 2021, the CRM system was developed so that the hour and report details can only be seen by CRM users with validation-officers, ticket-admins, and administrators tag. This is done so there won’t be any irresponsible parties who try to screen reports by the date and time. Not only in terms of report details, other efforts to protect the identity of the reporter are also carried out from the officer's side. The name of the officer who followed up the related report will be displayed on the CRM. So, if there is a leak of personal information, it can be immediately seen who is the officer in charge.

Those are the innovations that CRM has made day by day during 2021. In addition to these significant innovations, there are also several minor security fixes that have been developed. Basically, all these innovations are made to create a safe and convenient complaint ecosystem. In the future, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will continue to develop this system. So, don't hesitate to report through the DKI Provincial Government's complaint channel. If you want to report via a platform that serves integrated services, you can use the JAKI (Jakarta Kini) application. You can download JAKI via Google Play Storeor Apple App Store. Let’s download and report city problems around you!

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