08 Oct 2021

Here are the Latest PPKM Regulation in Jakarta

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

08 Oct 2021

The community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta are constantly changing following the latest update on the Covid-19 cases. If the number of cases are consistently going down, then the regulations will likely be less strict, and vice versa. As stated in the latest regulation (Governor’s Decree Number 1182 of 2021), Jakarta is still in PPKM Level 3. Although it’s still at the same level, there are some adjustments that will take effect on October 5-18. Here are some points that have been updated that you need to know.

Fitness Centers Will Be Opened with a Maximum Capacity of 25%

In the latest PPKM regulations, fitness centers are allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 25%. The operational hours are limited only until 9pm. Before going to the room and doing any workout, make sure you have checked in with the Safe Entrance by PeduliLindungi feature in JAKI!

Food and Drink Kiosk at the Cinemas are Allowed to Open

The cinemas are already allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 50%, but without providing food and drink services. With the renewal of the PPKM regulation, the food and drink kiosks are allowed to operate with a maximum capacity of 50% and a maximum mealtime of 60 minutes.

Use Safe Entrance for Check-in and Check-out In Public Spaces

Public places in Jakarta require the visitor to check-in and check-out prior to their arrival or departure. This procedure is an important step for contact tracing if a Covid-19 case is found in that area sometime in the future. To check-in and check-out, you can use the Safe Entrance feature that’s available in JAKI. The feature allows you to see the number of visitors and the total capacity of the public space, so you can avoid crowded locations to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Access Safe Entrance by following these steps:

  1. Open JAKI, then press the button next to ‘Pindai untuk masuk/keluar tempat’
  2. Enter your full name and identity number (NIK), and then select ‘Periksa’
  3. Confirm your data by pressing ‘Konfirmasi’
  4. Next, scan the QR code, then select ‘Masuk’
  5. You’ll see the statusand it’ll tell you whether you are allowed to enter or not

The latest PPKM update undoubtedly brings new hope for all of us. Our consistency in implementing health protocols will end with good results, like the decreasing number of the Covid-19 cases. As we fight this pandemic with health protocols, we also need to arm ourselves with vaccination. If you know someone who hasn't been vaccinated yet, help them to get their dose as soon as possible. For a hassle-free process, use JAKIwhich you can download for free on Play Storeand App Store!

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