29 Jan 2024

Implementation of Smart Governance in Jakarta and the World

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

29 Jan 2024

Every city aims to improve the quality of life. If there is technology-based innovation capable of solving urban problems, the city is referred to as a smart city. The implementation of a smart city makes it competitive and propels it to become a global city.

Smart governance in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Smart governance in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City


The development of a smart city is supported by several pillars, and smart governance is one of them. So, what exactly is smart governance?

About Smart Governance

Smart governance is the implementation of policy based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and collaborates with its citizens and stakeholders. Thus, resource management is carried out transparently.

When talking about "technology" and "government," you might think of e-government. However, do not confuse it with smart governance. While e-government involves online services, smart governance goes beyond that. As explained earlier, smart governance always involves the government and the citizens. To clarify, what are the results of implementing smart governance? Let's discuss!


Implementation of Smart Governance in Jakarta

Jakarta utilizes technology to implement smart governance, increasing the efficiency of government operations. Here are the things Jakarta does in smart governance.


Digital Services: JAKI & JakEvo

The days of slow, complicated, and non-transparent bureaucracy are over. That's why Jakarta Smart City created JAKIas a super-app that combines various digital services of the Jakarta Provincial Government. This means your needs can be addressed through digital means without having to visit the office.


JAKI, Jakarta’s super-app. Source: Jakarta Smart City

JAKI, Jakarta’s super-app. Source: Jakarta Smart City


In Jakarta, handling permits is easy. Residents can use JakEvoto process permits and authorizations from the Jakarta Capital Investment and One-stop Integrated Services (Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu/DPMPTSP). Jakarta residents can access it through the website jakevo.jakarta.go.idor JAKI.

Also read: Easier Than Ever: Applying For Permits with JakEVO on JAKI

Open Data Jakarta

Accurate, open, centralised, and integrated data is one of the goals of the Jakarta Provincial Government. This goal is achieved through Open Data Jakarta, following Governor Regulation No. 181 of 2014. This integrated data portal presents information from all units and work units, covering areas such as:

  • Kehutanan, Pertanian & Ketahanan Pangan (forestry, agriculture & food security);
  • Kelautan, Perikanan & Peternakan (maritime, fisheries & livestocks); and 
  • Kepegawaian (personnel).


Portal Data Terpadu Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Sumber: Open Data Jakarta 

Portal Data Terpadu Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Sumber: Open Data Jakarta


Integration of IoT

Have you heard of IoT (Internet of Things)? IoTis a network of interconnected devices that communicate through the Internet. With IoT analytics, Jakarta Smart City introduces the Flood Control Systemsensor. This sensor collects historical data such as water levels, vibrations, temperature, and CCTV. With the gathered data, data-driven policies can be designed, making flood management in Jakarta easier.


Future City Hub: Collaboration with Berlin

Based on The Global Startup Ecosystem 2020, Jakarta was recognised as one of the best global startup ecosystems. Cool, isn’t it? To enhance this, the Jakarta Provincial Government established Future City Hub in collaboration with Berlin, its sister city. This hub serves as an urban innovation space, bringing together problem owners and problem solvers. Located in Central Jakarta, it is where the Jakarta Provincial Government collaborates with startup companies, academics, and other collaborators to address urban issues.

Also read: A Glimpse of Jakarta Future City Hub


Future City Hub. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Future City Hub. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Citizen Engagement

Does anyone like being ghosted? Certainly, nobody does. In the smart governance pillar, “ghosting” is unacceptable. Hence, the implementation of citizen engagementfacilitates communication and information exchange between citizens and the government. Thanks to citizen engagement, the government can better serve and understand the needs of residents. In Jakarta, citizen engagement occurs through social media, such as the official Twitter account @DKIJakarta, which serves as a channel for residents to voice their concerns with detailed descriptions, photos, and supporting locations. You can also post to the Facebook of Pemprov DKI Jakartaor governor/vice governor social media accounts.

Examples of Smart Governance Worldwide

Not only Jakarta, but cities worldwide also face urban challenges and have their ways of ensuring the well-being of their citizens. Here are examples of cities that have successfully implemented smart governance.


Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, the capital of Spain, recognized the importance of the Internet and new technologies. In 2011, the Barcelona City Council initiated a new technology and information strategy to improve citizens well-being. This is evident in the implementation of the Smart Citizenopen data platform, designed for citizen participation in building the city.


Kakogawa, Japan

Kakogawa, a city in Japan, faced safety challenges in 2015. The implementation of smart governance proved beneficial for its residents. In 2017, they started installing approximately 1,500 cameras and 2,000 sensors in school areas. This installation was aimed at monitoring the safety of children and the elderly through a mobile application, making it easier to detect their locations in case they go missing.

Vienna, Austria

Vienna, one of the cities in Austria, ranked first in the Smart City Strategy Index 2019. The city initiated cross-departmental collaborationas a central point in its smart city strategy. To execute these projects, the Vienna government required support and partnerships, collaborating with stakeholders and even residents.

Through the concept of smart governance, the well-being of residents and the development of smart cities are no longer just dreams. By continually nurturing technology-based innovations, Jakarta can continue to progress as a global city. Let's support it! If you want to stay updated on Jakarta's innovations, go follow @jsclabon social media!

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