18 Feb 2025

Free Health Checkup for Everyone

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

18 Feb 2025

Do you regularly check your health? Early detection of health can prevent various chronic diseases and improve the quality of life, you know! This is why the Ministry of Health (Kementerian Kesehatan/Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia has launched Program Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis/PKG (free health check-up program). Starting on 10 February, 2025, this initiative aims to improve public health quality through early detection of preventable diseases. Smartcitizens, you can benefit from it too! Check out the process and requirements in this article. 

Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Gratis in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City


How to Access PKG for All Ages, from Infants to Seniors  

PKG offers free health check-up services for all Indonesians, including newborns, toddlers, adults, and the elderly. To take advantage of this program, residents can choose one of the following methods:  

  1. SATUSEHAT Mobile Application: Download the application, select a schedule, and choose a Puskesmas for the check-up.  

  1. WhatsApp Chatbot: send a message to 081110500567 and follow the registration instructions.  

  1. Visit the nearest Puskesmas: Bring your ID card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk/KTP) or Family Card (Kartu Keluarga/KK) to the health center/Puskesmas and the staff will assist with the registration process.  


The Ministry of Health hopes that PKG will shift the healthcare approach from curative (treating illnesses) to preventive (disease prevention). Make sure you do not miss out! Here are the available PKG services:  

  1. Free Birthday Health Check-Up (starting February 2025)  

  • For ages 0–6 years and 18 years and above.  
  • Available on your birthday and up to 30 days after.  
  • Services are provided at Puskesmas and clinics registered on SATUSEHAT Mobile.  

  1. Free School Health Check-Up (starting July 2025)  

  • For ages 7–17 years.  
  • Conducted every new school year.  
  • Available at schools.  


Free health check. Source: @dinkesdki

Free health check. Source: @dinkesdki


PKG Readiness in Jakarta

In Jakarta, this program is being implemented in 44 district Puskesmas across the city. Acting Governor of Jakarta, Teguh Setyabudi, has ensured that all Puskesmas are ready to serve the public efficiently. He stated, “Inshallah, Jakarta is ready with 44 Puskesmas in every district. We aim to make Jakarta a benchmark and role model for primary healthcare services. In terms of human resources, we are ready.”

This health check-up includes various screenings, such as blood pressure monitoring, heart disease and stroke risk assessment, and eye examinations. The goal is to help residents detect potential health issues early and take necessary preventive measures.  

One resident, Mrs Teti Hanim, expressed her gratitude for PKG, “This program is very helpful, especially for seniors like me. We can better understand our health conditions. I hope this program continues in the future.” 


Free Health Check (PKG). Source: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

Free Health Check (PKG). Source: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia


PKG is also in line with Jakarta’s vision as a smart city that utilizes technology to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Jakarta continues to innovate to ensure that every citizen gets easy, fast, and quality health services. The JAKI  super-app can also be your mainstay for getting health services in Jakarta. You only need to download the application for free on the Google Play Store or App Store. Look for the Health menu and select the service you need: Ambulance, Jakarta Siaga, or Jakarta Sehat.

With PKG, hopefully everyone will care more about their health and regularly do check-ups to prevent diseases early on. The government is committed to continuing to improve health services for the welfare of all Indonesian citizens. Take care of yourself and your loved ones by getting this free health check-up service! For more updates about Jakarta, follow @jsclab  on social media.  

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