National Education Day: The Important History for Students

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

02 May 2024

Tut wuri handayani is a phrase related to education in Indonesia. When we were still in school, we saw it on our uniforms. 2 May officially became Hari Pendidikan Nasional (National Education Day) in Indonesia. Smartcitizens, you haven’t forgotten about it, have you? To remember the importance of this celebration, let's discuss all about it!


Students in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Students in Jakarta. Source: Jakarta Smart City


Brief History of Hari Pendidikan Nasional

Ki Hadjar Dewantara is Bapak Pendidikan Indonesia (the Father of Indonesian Education), born on 2 Mei 1889. That's why Hari Pendidikan Nasional is commemorated on 2 May. He was born as a nobleman named Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat. However, he changed his name because he wanted to be equal to others.


Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Source: “Sjarat Mutlak Bagi Pendidikan: Kemerdekaan Nasional”

Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Source: “Sjarat Mutlak Bagi Pendidikan: Kemerdekaan Nasional”


Tut Wuri Handayani is the motto still used in the logo of Kemendikbudristek/Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology), used to this day. This Javanese motto originates from Patrap Guru  or the behavior of teachers as role models for students and society. This was the principle of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Taman Siswa, the school he founded. The elements of Patrap Guru are:

  • Ing ngarsa sung tulada (leading by example).
  • Ing madya mangun karsa (building aspirations in the middle).
  • Tut wuri handayani (following and supporting).

Hari Pendidikan Nasional is also commonly abbreviated as Hardiknas. On 19 December 1959, the government officially declared its celebration. Students in Indonesia are accustomed to conducting ceremonies as a form of celebration every year.


JAKI, A Companion for Students in Jakarta

Education is important. Ki Hadjar Dewantara himself regarded it as something that brings prosperity to people. The spirit to learn can be the key to our self-development. Considering today is Hari Pendidikan NasionalJAKI  is always ready to accompany you in learning. But. how?

The super-app JAKI has cool features for you. Want to try? You can download it on your device for free! Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Open JAKI.
  2. On the Home page, look for the Made for You section.
  3. Click on the icon for Students.


Students Persona on JAKI

Students Persona on JAKI


Various features and services in Jakarta will appear. From accompanying you in learning to helping you get experiences, please choose what suits you:

  • Jakarta Library: get information on libraries under DISPUSIP (Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan) DKI Jakarta. You can find out the nearest library from your location andreserve visits. If you want to know how to borrow books, please see here!
  • Free WiFi: help you find free WiFi spots around you so you can do tasks freely. To use this feature, don't forget to turn on your device's location.

Are you the type who likes to hang out with friends? Well, please use the Maps feature that you can find on the Home page search bar. Find out the nearest and most comfortable public facilities for you, such as:

  • Taman (parks);
  • RTH/Ruang Terbuka Hijau (green open spaces); and
  • Sarana Olahraga (sports facilities).

We all have the right to develop ourselves. To find job vacancies, training, and scholarships, you can use the Career in Jakarta feature! This feature comes from Disnakertransgi  (Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Energi) DKI Jakarta


Implementation of Smart People in Jakarta

As a smart city, Jakarta implements Smart People as one of its pillars. Its implementation is realised through the involvement of citizens in available services. As a smart city accelerator, Jakarta Smart City will continue to improve the quality of human resources. This is evident from various programs involving students, such as:

JGTS (JSC Goes to School) at SMAN 73 Jakarta Utara. Photo: Jakarta Smart City

JGTS (JSC Goes to School) at SMAN 73 Jakarta Utara. Photo: Jakarta Smart City

Let's continue to foster our spirit and active participation! Hopefully, our contributions can maintain a smarter, more inclusive, and sustainable Jakarta. So, let's support each other! Want to get updates on activities in Jakarta that suit you? Follow @jsclab  on social media!

Also read: How JAKI Helps Me as a Student

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