FAQ About Covid-19 Vaccinations for Aged 6-11
Vaccination for children aged 6-11 years is being rolled out in Jakarta. The goal is to protect children from being infected with Covid-19 during activities in public spaces, including during face-to-face learning. As the government began inoculating the young, you may read and find the answers of some of the most frequently asked questions about this program.
What are the vaccination requirements of children aged 6-11?
Vaccination for aged 6-11 require a Family Card / other documents that include the child's NIK / Domicile Certificate from RT (neighbourhood) according to the address of residence in the DKI Jakarta area and have been registered in the citizen data application
For the vaccinations held other than in school, the documents need to be carried as follows.
- Domicile Certificate from RT according to the address of residence in DKI Jakarta area and has been registered in the citizen data application for children who are not residents of DKI Jakarta and are not registered as students in any Jakarta education unit.
- Family Card or Child Identity Card (KIA) that lists the address of domicile in the DKI Jakarta area for children who are residents of DKI Jakarta.
Where does the Covid-19 vaccination for children take place?
Vaccination is carried out in schools, health centers, and vaccination posts that can administer vaccines for children.
How can I register my children for vaccination through JAKI?
To register a child for vaccination through the JAKI application please follow the steps below:
- Open the JAKI app
- Select ‘Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19’
- Input NIK and full name of the child who will be vaccinated
- Choose a vaccination schedule and location
- Complete personal data and pre-screening form of the child who will be vaccinated
- Wait for the validation process until the status is ‘Siap Divaksinasi’ or ready to be vaccinated.
Can children from outside Jakarta get vaccines in Jakarta?
Children who are not residents of Jakarta can get the Covid-19 vaccine by providing proof/documents that they are domiciled in DKI Jakarta. Registration through the JAKI application is only for children who are residents of DKI Jakarta or domiciled in Jakarta with a certificate of domicile from RT according to the residential address.
What are the risks of side effects?
Usually AEFI (Adverse Effects Following Immunization) in children is mild and temporary, such as pain in the arm, headache or muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, and fever (body temperature above 37.8 C). If symptoms occur and last more than three days, or there is a more severe reaction, Immediately contact a health official whose contact number is on the vaccination card.
What is the interval for the second dose of vaccines?
The second dose of vaccines for children is given at least 28 days after the first dose. For the location of the second dose, it is recommended to be administered at the same vaccination location as the first dose.
What should be prepared by a parent/guardian before the child is vaccinated?
Preparations that need to be done by parents/guardian include
- Double check the date and location of vaccination for the child.
- Make sure the child is fit, get enough sleep, and have breakfast before vaccination. If the child has comorbid disease make sure to take the medicine before leaving for vaccination.
- Provide information to children about vaccinations, such as reasons why vaccination is needed and what to do when vaccinating.
Read more questions about vaccination for children on the corona.jakarta.go.idwebsite. Get your children to be vaccinated, in order to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection and protect them while playing and learning which is an important part of Jakarta's recovery step. In addition, after vaccination, make sure your child keeps implementing the health protocols (washing hands, maintaining distance, wearing masks, reducing mobility, staying away from crowds, and avoiding eating together). Registration for children vaccination are now available on JAKI, which you can download from Google Play Storeatau Apple App Store.