21 Sep 2022

Ini Jakarta Festival: Experiencing The City Through A Three-Days Event

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Amira Sofa

21 Sep 2022

The Ini Jakarta Festival has wrapped up! This year’s festival was held in Kota Tua on 16-18 September 2022 at 15.00-20.00 WIB. The selection of Kota Tua as the venue of the event aims to change the face of Kota Tua to be a place young people meet, collaborate, and pour their creativity into works. Well, for your information, Ini Jakarta Festival is an annual festival organized by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government with +Jakarta volunteers and 100+ collaborators. In this event, various communities, art activists, research institutions, to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) participated in displaying their best works and products. Wanna experience the fun? Read the following article.

Invite Jakartans to Experience the City of Jakarta

Carrying the theme Raya Rasa Kota Kita (Celebrating and Experiencing Our City), the Ini Festival Jakarta 2022 was expected to invite residents to celebrate and feel the experiences that exist in Jakarta through a variety of program activations.

The First day

On the first day, the event opened with a performance of Palang Pintu (Cross Doors) and Betawi Silat Art from Bale Buku Jakarta at 3-4 p.m at the Puppet Museum Court and Betawi Dance Performance on Jalan Lada. Then, at 4-5 p.m, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, gave an opening speech at the Jakarta History Museum. After the sun sets, around 7.00 p.m, the event was enlivened by the appearance of musician Adhitia Sofyan in front of the Jakarta History Museum. The musical performance which ended at 8 p.m marked the end of the series of events of the Ini Jakarta Festival on the first day.

The second day

The next day, the event was more lively with various activities from the community in various different spots. At 3.00-4.00 p.m, you can find Seminar: Your Garbage, Your Responsibility from the Jakarta Osoji Club at Sejarah Kita Museum, Bincang-bincang Satu Tahun Putusan Citizen Lawsuit Tentang Polusi Udara (One Year Citizen Lawsuit Decision About Air Pollution) by Vital Strategies at the MULA Ballroom of Kota Tua, #NyanyiBarengLebihSeru from the Kancatala Ensemble on Jalan Lada, Photography Workshop by AyomotretJakarta at the MULA Auditorium Kota Tua, and Dongeng Edukasi held by Bale Buku Jakarta at the Puppet Museum Courtyard.

Then, at 4.00-5.00 p.m, it is the turn of other communities to hold their own agendas. The activities were Picnic at The Museum organized by Teman Piknikmu at the Jakarta History Museum, Talkshow: Waste Management for Family Welfare in DKI Jakarta in the MULA Ballroom Kota Tua, Sweet-Talks: Diabetes Talkshow by Friends Diabet on Jalan Lada, and Pop-Up Game: Jakarta Open Space which can be visited in the Puppet Museum Courtyard.

About an hour before the event took place, at 3.00-5.00 p.m, there was a talk show for the Ini Jakarta Festival. The first session was themed Aku +Jakarta and was held at the Old Town Gathering on Jalan Lada. In this first session, the talk show was hosted by the Tourism and Creative Economy Office, the KSD Bureau, and Plus Jakarta. Meanwhile, the second session discussed the City of Collaboration and involved the Water Resources Office, Potopotokota, and Sobat Air Jakarta as resource persons. The second session was held at the Irama Gathering on Jalan Lada.

At 5.00 p.m, visitors can enjoy a ukulele performance by the Ukuiki community at the Jakarta History Museum. The performance continued with the “Sinyo” Street Music Institute at 6.10 p.m. The night's performance was closed with a performance from the music group LalaHuta which enlivened Kota Tua from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.

The third day

The third day, which became the culmination of the Festival Ini Jakarta, became the day that people had been  so excited for. Since 3.00 p.m, visitors have been able to take part in activities from several communities, such as Happy with FGL Stories (Ceria Bersama FGL Stories) from the Fun Garden of Literacy at the Jakarta History Museum, Dongeng by Bale Buku Jakarta on Jalan Lada, Craft Workshop by the Capital Awards at the MULA Auditorium Kota Tua, to Eat Bulaga by Marine Buddies in the Puppet Museum Courtyard. All these activities lasted for one hour, until 16.00 WIB.

At 4.00 to 5.00 p.m, a number of communities showcased various interesting activities. There was a Jejak Warna with a Beginner's Writing Workshop held at the Sejarah Kita Museum, Silang Hub which held a Deaf Talk event: Everyone Can Be an Influencer on Jalan Lada, Teman Piknikmu with a Seminar: Garbage is Your Responsibility (Sampah Tanggung Jawabmu) at the MULA Auditorium Kota Tua, and the Pokemon Go Indonesia community which held a Community Meet Up at the Puppet Museum Courtyard.

Visitors could also take part in Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to discuss with various communities regarding the implementation of the smart city ecosystem. This FGD was held in three chambers and was held from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. The first chamber discussed LEZ with the World Resources Institute (WRI)+ Jakarta as the speaker. The second chamber was an FGD with the theme of the Third Room, which was hosted by Teman Taman Jakarta and +Jakarta. Meanwhile, the third chamber discussed Literacy with Baca Jakarta and +Jakarta.

During the same hour period, there was also a talk show Exploring Kota Tua held by UTD in collaboration with AyoNgobrolinKota. This talkshow was also attended by the Jakarta Transportation Discussion Forum, the Jakarta Good Guide, Ayo ke Taman, and Puan-Puan Bersepeda. To take part in the talk show, visitors could come to the MULA Old Town Ballroom.

Just like the previous day, it was only at 5.00 p.m that the community performance at the Jakarta History Museum began. The first community to get a turn was Bale Buku Jakarta. The performance was continued by the Street Music Institute “The Talk Band” at 6.00 p.m at the same location. Continuing the performance and at the same time closing the series of events at the Ini Jakarta Festival, Reality Club enlivened the stage with their music, making visitors sing along. 

MSME Booth and Art Installation

During the Ini Jakarta Festival, there is also involvement in other forms besides performances and community activities. Call it the MSME booth that promotes and sells its products. There are MSMEs that sell clothes for food and beverages. In addition, several spots in Kota Tua also display installations from art activists. This installation is a testament to the limitless creativity of young Jakartans.


Jakarta Smart City Enliven the Ini Festival Jakarta

As a place where various smart city innovations in Jakarta were born, Jakarta Smart City also enlivens the Ini Jakarta Festival. Visitors could visit the JSC booth which was located in front of the Indonesian Post Office. There, visitors could ask questions directly to the JSC team and know more about Jakarta Smart City as well as the smart city ecosystem, play games, and get exclusive merchandise.

The Ini Festival Jakarta 2022 was so exciting! Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to come. If you didn’t come but want to know more about the event, please kindly check Jakarta Smart City's social media posts. See you at another event in Jakarta! 

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