Contribute to Building Jakarta through Musrenbang 2022
Smartcitizen, did you know that you can contribute to the development in Jakarta? Yes you can deliver your aspirations from the RW level through Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang). This activity aims to make sure that the development plan that has been agreed from the RW level to be in line with the development plan in the administrative city level. This year, Musrenbang will be conducted online. So, what are the activities of this Musrenbang? Let’s read this article to find out!
Musrenbang Time and Activities
Musrenbang itself was already underway at the beginning of this year. Later, the results of the deliberations will be carried out in development for 2023. Musrenbang's activities began from the initial preparation of the Local Government Work Plan (RKPD) in December 2021-January 2022. Furthermore, in the first to third week, there is a Rembuk RW(neighborhood) event and the results of Rembuk RW. Rembuk RW is a community deliberation to recognize problems, needs, and determine activities to solve problems in a community, based on the priorities of mutual agreement.
After Rembuk RW was carried out, Musrenbang activities continued with Musrenbang Kelurahan (urban village) held in the fourth week of January to the first week of February. After that, there will be a Public Consultation Forum in the first week of February. Then, the next agenda is Musrenbang in the sub-district starting in the second week to the third week of February. In the fourth week of February to the third week of March, the agenda of this Musrenbang is the Regional Device Forum. After the Regional Device Forum event, the next agenda is the drafting of the RKPD starting from the second week of February to the first week of April. In the fourth and fifth weeks of March, there will be a Musrenbang agenda at the City/Regency level. Lastly, Musrenbang continued at the Provincial level in the second week of April.
After Musrenbang at the Provincial level, the results of Musrenbang will be finalized. The timeline itself starts from April to July 2022. First, there will be discussion and formulation activities together with the final draft of the RKPD in the third week of April to the fourth week of May. During the first, second, and third weeks of June there is an agenda for the delivery of Rapergub (governor’s regulation formulation) RKPD and facilitation of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Then, in the fourth week of June there will be improvements in the results of Rapergub RKPD facilitation. Finalization will be closed with the determination of the RKPD Pergub (governor’s regulation) in the fifth week of June and the determination of the Regional Device Working Plan (Renja) in the fourth week of July. Then, who can get involved in this activity and how to do it?
How to Follow eMusrenbang
Musrenbang activities are carried out online (eMusrenbang), through sites and applications, with the hopes of capturing the aspirations of the community that are in line with the framework of the preparation of RKPD. To provide a development idea, you can send your proposal directly with the following steps:
- Go to the
- Then, select in the Menu section and click "Kirim Usulan"
- Choose “Usulan Langsung"
- After that, you can fill in the complete data of yourself and the proposal.
- You can also give proposals through Rembuk RW or through the planJKT application.
People with DKI Jakarta ID card and other parties ranging from RT level to city / regency can participate in Musrenbang, which was developed by the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of DKI Jakarta Province. Participation to provide proposals is still open to this day, and the closing decision can be seen on Musrenbang website or Instagram social media channel owned by Bappeda DKI Jakarta @bappedadki.
Moreover, now you can also give aspirations for development in the DKI Jakarta area. Just open the musrenbang.jakarta.go.idsite. Don't forget to prepare your proposal thoughtfully.