12 Oct 2023

What People Say about the Citizen Relation Management

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

12 Oct 2023

Building Jakarta into a better smart city cannot only be done by one party. Collaboration is needed between the government as a co-creator and business people, academics, and citizens and other stakeholders as collaborators. One effort to involve the community in efforts to develop Jakarta is through community complaint channels.

Residents and people doing activities in Jakarta can report violations or problems that occur around them via various channels. The thirteen public complaint channels are JAKI, Twitter @DKIJakarta, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Facebook, City Hall Hall, e-mail dki@jakarta.go.id, personal social media of the Governor/Deputy Governor, Village Office, District Office, Le. go.id, City Hall Hall, Inspectorate Office, SMS via 08111272206, and LAPOR 1708. All reports from each complaint channel are integrated into the Citizen Relation Management (CRM) system and then followed up by the relevant officers. A system like this makes problems in Jakarta easier to find and quicker to act on.

A system to support community participation in Jakarta's development already exists. However, the question that arises is, is CRM really effective in accommodating input complaints from the public? Come on, find out the answer by seeing what the reporter said about CRM.


What People Say about the Citizen Relation Management

Lifinia Anggun: CRM Fosters Citizens' Sense of Ownership in Jakarta

Lifinia Anggun Puspita, a chemistry teacher at an international school in North Jakarta, is one of the many residents who have reported problems. Working in North Jakarta and living in West Jakarta, Lifinia became a loyal user of the TransJakarta bus corridor 9 then connected to corridor 3. One day, while walking on the sidewalk between Pluit Junction and Emporium Pluit to take the corridor 3 bus, she saw rubble. - Project debris piled up on the sidewalk, which made it impossible for Lifinia and her pedestrians to cross the sidewalk. To be able to continue their journey, they have to go onto the main road, which is certainly dangerous for safety.

Lifinia Anggun, warga Jakarta yang melapor lewat JAKI

On the first day she saw it, Lifinia still left the rubble in the hope that officers would clean it up. Likewise on the second day. However, when it turned out that the trash was still piling up there on the third day, he did not remain silent. Lifinia took action by taking photos of the pile of rubble and reporting it via the Citizen Report feature on the JAKI application. He admitted that at first it was just for fun, because he already knew and had the JAKI application. But when the officers responded well to her report, Lifinia was quite shocked. The next morning when he passed the same sidewalk, he no longer saw any debris from the project, indicating that the officers had followed up on his report.

When asked about her impression of reporting through the Rapid Response Community, Lifinia gave a positive response. "I'm happy because finally there is a really smart way to control Jakarta and accommodate the aspirations of the residents. Residents can become walking 'CCTV' to report various problems. "The operations are also good because within a day, I can find out the status of reports and the transfer of reports from one stakeholder to another," he said. Furthermore, Lifinia stated that a complaint system such as the Citizen Relation Management made even just a citizen feel that the government was paying enough attention. He also invited the public to report city problems via JAKI. "With more people reporting problems through the CRM system, the quality of the city of Jakarta will be higher and people will have a greater sense of ownership in the sustainability of Jakarta's urban planning system.

Watch the interview: 

Sampah Puing Proyek Halangi Akses Jalan Trotor?


Sri Lasmidjah: CRM Gives Citizens the Public Services They Deserve

Another story about reporting via CRM comes from Sri Lasmidjah Diponegoro, a retired Civil Servant (PNS). For the past five years, the water in her house has become so low that she could only collect water from the lowest tap in the front yard. At first the water came out only in small quantities, but over time the water only flowed from the tap in the front yard of the house on Saturdays and Sundays. Until finally, two years ago, all the water taps in Mrs. Sri's house completely stopped. The officer said that the problem was lack of pressure and needed a pumping machine.

Sri Lasmidjah, warga Jakarta yang melapor lewat JAKI

Mrs. Sri was looking for ways to solve this problem immediately. Coincidentally, she often read newspapers and received information that residents could report their problems face to face at the DKI Jakarta City Hall pavilion. As expected, she came to City Hall and told about his problem. After less than an hour of consultation, Mrs. Sri was given a file showing the process flow following a complaint at City Hall.

When she returned home, Mrs. Sri received a WhatsApp message from the Government Bureau containing the communication process between the Government Bureau and PDAM. A few days later, PDAM officers visited Mrs. Sri's residence and checked for water pipe problems. Twenty-one days later, according to the agreement with PDAM, PDAM officers installed a booster pump which can increase the water pressure through the pipe, so that the water flows smoothly. Since then, the water in Mrs. Sri's house has returned smoothly.

From this story, we conclude that the problem that has been occurring for 5 years can be resolved simply by reporting it to the official complaint channel of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. Mrs. Sri also admitted that she was very happy about this. "I am happy that Jakarta residents can have the opportunity to access public services easily." She also pinned her hopes on DKI Jakarta's official complaint channel, especially the City Hall hall, so that it could become an alternative channel for Jakarta residents who are technologically illiterate or have complex problems that need to be explained through other complaint channels.

Watch the interview: 

Air di Rumah Mati, Mudah, Tinggal Lapor!


Naila: Reporting problems is easy and identity is protected

Naila, a housewife who has just moved to Jakarta, is building a house with her husband. In front of their house, there are electric and fiber optic cables which are positioned very low. If left unchecked, the cable can hit the heads of people passing nearby. Finally, Naila and her husband found a way to solve the problem. While looking for a way on the internet, Naila and her husband met the JAKI application and reported the problem through there.

Naila, warga Jakarta yang melapor lewat JAKI

On the same day as the report, namely July 22 2023, Naila received information that the report had been received and the report would be withdrawn two days later. On Sunday, 50 percent of the follow-up to Naila's report had been completed. On Monday, the electrical and fiber optic cables in front of Naila's house were secured.

Feeling surprised and happy with the results of the follow-up report, she smiled happily, "My husband and I feel that the JAKI application is very easy to use to report problems. You only need to take pictures, explain the problem briefly, concisely and clearly. Whistleblowers can also report problems anonymously so they don't need to worry about personal data leaking." Apart from the positive things she said about JAKI, Naila hopes that the socialization of the JAKI application can be wider, considering that some people are not fully familiar with this application.

Watch the interview: 

Kabel Rendah di Jalanan, Segera Lapor!


CRM Testimonial Tweets from Social Media

If earlier we had read the stories of the three reporters who directly conveyed their impressions and messages about CRM, now is the time to move on to reading what those who are active on social media have to say.

The blue tick account @qronoz said that there had never been any deficiencies or errors that made him reluctant to send reports via JAKI.


CRM @qronoz Testimonial Tweets from Social Media


The @Upium account also invites its colleagues on Twitter to use JAKI and CRM, not only because of the good quality of the complaint channel, but also the CRM site attracts attention because it can be an indicator of civil servant work.


CRM @Upium Testimonial Tweets from Social Media


Meanwhile, the @wide_eka account prefers reporting problems via Twitter. Just send a chat with the report name, number and other details. In his tweet, he also praised that Twitter admins tend to respond more quickly to citizen reports.


CRM @wide_eka Testimonial Tweets from Social Media

That's what problem reporters in Jakarta said about the Citizen Relation Management and their experience of reporting through this system. It is concluded that CRM is succeeded in accomodate citizens’ aspirations. Read related articleor visit the official CRM website. Next, what do you want to know or hear other testimonials about Citizen Relation Management?

More in CRM Category

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