31 May 2024

Take Notes! This is the Schedule of PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

31 May 2024

Are you about to participate in PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru)? If not, maybe you know someone who will. PPDB is the process of admitting new students to every formal education institution. This process is conducted annually and includes:

  • kindergarten (TK/Taman Kanak-Kanak);
  • elementary school (SD/Sekolah Dasar);
  • middle school (SMP/Sekolah Menengah Pertama);
  • high school (SMA/Sekolah Menengah Atas);
  • vocational high school (SMK/Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan); and
  • equivalent education (MI/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, MTs/Madrasah Tsanawiyah, MAK/Vocational Madrasah Aliyah).


PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024


The regulations for PPDB are outlined in Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2021. Therefore, it is important for us to follow these regulations to ensure the process runs smoothly. There are several things that need attention, such as the schedule, mechanism, and registration requirements. There is also a list of useful information services for all the CPDB (Calon Peserta Didik Baru). Let's check them out below!


PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024 Schedule

Each step of PPDB has an officially set schedule. Don't miss it to ensure the process runs smoothly. For PPDB DKI Jakarta in 2024, there are four pathways for the SMP, SMA, and SMK levels. Specifically for the SD level, there are currently only three pathways. Let's check the schedules below!


SD Level

  1. Affirmation Submission

a. First Priority for Children in Foster Care and Children of Health Workers Who Passed While Handling Covid-19

Input into system10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00-14.00 WIB


b. First Priority for Children with Disabilities

Registration and document verification10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–12.00 WIB
School selection and selection process 10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


c. Second Priority for Children of Workers/Labourers Receiving Kartu Pekerja Jakarta and Children of Transjakarta Partner Drivers Driving Small Buses

Registration and school selection 19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB

Selection process 


19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement21 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting22 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
24 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Zoning Submission

Registration and school selection 10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process 10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Transfer of Duties of Parents/Guardians and Children of Teachers/Education Personnel Submission

Registration and school selection10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Document verification and selection process10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB



SMP Level

  1. Academic and Non-academic Achievement Submission

Registration and school selection10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Affirmation Submission

a. First Priority for Children in Foster Care and Children of Health Workers Who Passed While Handling Covid-19

Input into system10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00-14.00 WIB


b. First Priority for Children with Disabilities

Registration and document verification10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–12.00 WIB
School selection and selection process10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


c. Second Priority for KJP Plus Receivers, Children of Workers/Labourers Receiving Kartu Pekerja Jakarta and Children of Transjakarta Partner Drivers Driving Small Buses

Registration and school selection19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement21 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting22 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
24 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Zoning Submission

Registration and school selection24–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process24–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


 4. Transfer of Duties of Parents/Guardians and Children of Teachers/Education Personnel Submission

Registration and school selection10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
Document verification and selection process10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


SMA Level

  1. Academic and Non-academic Achievement Submission

Registration and school selection10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Affirmation Submission

a. First Priority for Children in Foster Care and Children of Health Workers Who Passed While Handling Covid-19

Input into the system10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00-14.00 WIB


b. First Priority for Children with Disabilities

Registration dan document verification10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–12.00 WIB
School selection and selection process 10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


c. Second Priority for KJP Plus Receivers, Children of Workers/Labourers Receiving Kartu Pekerja Jakarta and Children of Transjakarta Partner Drivers Driving Small Buses

Registration and school selection19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process 19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement21 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting22 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
24 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Zoning Submission


Registration and school selection


24–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process 24–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Transfer of Duties of Parents/Guardians and Children of Teachers/Education Personnel Submission

Registration and school selection10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
Document verification and selection process 10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB



SMK Level

  1. Academic and Non-academic Achievement Submission

Registration and school selection10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Affirmation Submission

a. First Priority for Children in Foster Care and Children of Health Workers Who Passed While Handling Covid-19

Input into the system10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00-14.00 WIB


b. First Priority for Children with Disabilities

Registration dan document verification10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–12.00 WIB
School selection and selection process 10–11 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
12 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement12 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting13 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
14 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


c. Second Priority for KJP Plus Receivers, Children of Workers/Labourers Receiving Kartu Pekerja Jakarta and Children of Transjakarta Partner Drivers Driving Small Buses

Registration and school selection19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Selection process 19–20 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
21 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement21 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting22 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
24 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB


  1. Transfer of Duties of Parents/Guardians and Children of Teachers/Education Personnel Submission

Registration and school selection10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
Document verification and selection process 10–25 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
26 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB
Announcement26 June 202417.00 WIB
Self-reporting27 June 202408.00–23.59 WIB
28 June 202400.00–14.00 WIB



Information Services for PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024

When going through the registration process, we definitely need accurate and easily accessible information. Below is a list of information services for PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024. Feel free to visit or contact if you need anything.

  1. Website: 

  1. Official Instagram: 

  1. Mobile Numbers:

  • 0812 80555 426
  • 0812 80555 612
  • 0812 80555 148
  • 0812 80555 165
  • 0812 80555 124
  • 0812 80555 147

  1. Visit the Offline Help Desk at Gedung Dinas Pendidikan, Lantai 5. Additionally, you can visit the help desks shown in these images:

Information Services for PPDB 2024. Source: @officialppdbdki

Information Services for PPDB 2024. Source: @officialppdbdki

Information Services for PPDB 2024. Source: @officialppdbdki

Information Services for PPDB 2024. Source: @officialppdbdki 


Have you noted everything down? Please get prepared by remembering the schedule. Remember to use the official information services so you won’t get lost. Also, always remember to help family and friends who want to register! Hopefully, this article can help you go through the PPDB DKI Jakarta 2024 process smoothly and successfully. Good luck!

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