Find Out About Jakarta Floods Through the Flood Monitoring Website



24 Feb 2021

Smartcitizen, Do you know that Jakarta has a website called Pantau Banjir that you can access 24 hours a day? Yes, Jakarta now has pantaubanjir.jakarta.go.idportal which you can access anytime and anywhere. This portal is intended so that the citizens of DKI Jakarta can get a full range of information regarding Jakarta floods and the weather in Jakarta.

What's on the portal? Let’s take a closer look!

Latest Info on Weather and Floods in Jakarta

When you open pantaubanjir.jakarta.go.idfor the first time, you will be shown the portal homepage which contains various information related to the latest flood news so that you are always up-to-date with flood mitigation and flood handling in Jakarta. Then, what is no less important is the existence of an early warning system in Jakarta and weather forecasts. These two things can help you to stay alert in Jakarta, especially when high intensity rain is coming up.


Flood Monitoring, Modeling and Prediction Data

In the "Data" menu on the Monitor Flood portal, you can find the Jakarta flood monitoring dashboard which contains observation data, modeling, and predictions of Jakarta floods.

Flood Scenario Dashboard: RW with Potential inundation

This flood scenario dashboard displays predictions and modeling of RWs (hamlets/community unit) with potential puddles in Jakarta. The modeling of potential flooding is divided into 7 scenarios, those are the flood scenario due to rain in the upstream; due to local rain; coastal flooding in the north; rain in the upstream & local rain; local rain and coastal flooding; rain in the upstream and coastal flooding; rain in the upstream, local rain, & coastal flooding.

Jakarta Flood Monitoring Dashboard

This dashboard is made so that the public can monitor information related to floods in Jakarta. You can find data on the condition of pumps & the number of pumps that are active in Jakarta, data related to floodgates operating in Jakarta, and  citizen reports regarding flooding to the Community Quick Response (CRM). 

Dashboard of the Jakarta Water Resources Department (DSDA)

On the DSDA Dashboard, you can find out more about the facilities that DSDA has. Not only pumps and floodgates, you can also know the name, flow system, and length of rivers/streams in Jakarta, as well as the number and volume of each reservoir in Jakarta, infiltration wells, PHB (conecting) lines, Waste Water Management Installation (IPAL), Water Treatment Installation (IPA), heavy equipment, dumptruck, and CCTV.

Various Jakarta Flood Maps

Smartcitizen, you can monitor flood maps in Jakarta, from flood information maps, RT (neighborhood unit )-based flood maps, flood scenario maps, and flood history maps. With a map visualization like this, you will be able to see clearly the water pump locations, flood locations, and flood history maps from 2010-2020.

All About Jakarta Flood Information

Do you want to know why Jakarta often experiences floods and other types of floods in Jakarta? All information about floods in Jakarta is summarized in the “Info Banjir” menu. Select the sub menu "Tentang Banjir Jakarta", then you will find all kinds of information about floods in Jakarta. Then, in the sub menu "Data Banjir Lintas Tahun" you can find out the history of floods from year to year in Jakarta, such as how many areas were affected, how much rainfall was there, how many victims, and how manyevacuation sites.

Media Related to the Jakarta Flood

In the “Media” Menu, you can view and download various press releases and regulations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government regarding floods, as well as various kinds of flood infographics. In addition, you can also read official news related to floods in Jakarta in the sub menu "News" and view photo galleries of floods in Jakarta from year to year.

Frequently Asked Questions about Jakarta Floods

Various questions and answers that are frequently asked regarding flooding in Jakarta are summarized in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) menu. You can search for any   question topicson your mind, and find the answers here.

Emergency Contact

If you need information or contacts related to disasters in Jakarta, you can select the "Contact" menu. The menu contains a telephone number that can be contacted with the name of the official department and address.

Stay Alert and Monitor Floods in Jakarta

We are still in the middle of the rainy season. Facing  the threat of rainy season and flooding in Jakarta, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continues to carry out flood mitigation efforts with the mud-raiding program, river naturalization, construction of reservoirs and absorption wells, as well as other mitigation. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also opens information as widely as possible regarding floods in Jakarta. Let's be on alert together and monitor floods through pantaubanjir.jakarta.go.idportal and the JakPantau feature on JAKI. Also help officers to deal with floods by reporting floods and inundations around you through JakLapor. Let's face the flood together in Jakarta!

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