28 Dec 2021

Covid-19 Vaccination Procedure for Children Aged 6-11

by:Teresa Simorangkir

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

28 Dec 2021

Covid-19 vaccination regulations for 6-11 years old children have been officially issued. The program is currently aiming to inoculate 1,173,972 children. Not only to achieve herd immunity, the vaccination program will also support the implementation of face-to-face learning that recently has started.

Why is Covid-19 Vaccination Important for Children?

In Indonesia, as many as 12.6% of the total Covid-19 cases occurred in children. Just like adults, children also need to build immunity to fight the virus that causes Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2. Providing vaccines for children will also prevent transmission to those who aren’t eligible for Covid-19 vaccines. Based on existing regulations, the type of vaccine given to children is Bio Farma and/or CoronaVac, which has obtained emergency use authorization from BPOM. The vaccine will be given in two doses with the interval between doses is 28 days.

Vaccination Registration Procedure

To receive Covid-19 vaccine, children can visit health facilities or register through the vaccination program held by their school and come according to the schedule. Don’t forget to bring along personal documents such as Family Card or other documents that include the child’s ID Number. Also prepare personal data information such as residential address and telephone number (the child’s/parent’s/guardian’s number).

For children who aren’t registered as Jakarta citizens or students, but live in Jakarta, they can still participate in the vaccination program by showing a domicile letter and has been registered in the citizen data application.

How to Register for Covid-19 Vaccination via JAKI

For an easier registration process, you can register them for vaccination via JAKI. If you don't have JAKI yet, click on the link to download it on Play Storeor App Store. Follow these steps to register for Covid-19 vaccination:

  1. Open JAKI;
  2. Click on ‘Pendaftaran Vaksinasi Covid-19’ banner;
  3. Enter the child's ID number on the Family Card;
  4. Select the vaccination location and schedule;
  5. Complete the personal data, fill in the pre-screening, then download and print the ‘Kartu Kendali Pelayanan Vaksinasi Covid-19’ and ‘Kartu Vaksinasi Covid-19’.
  6. Done, you’re good to go!

Preparation Before Vaccination

Before vaccination, make sure the child is in good health and gets enough rest. As you and the children arrive at the vaccination location, make sure you comply with the health protocols and please come according to the set schedule. Always tell the vaccinator if your child has certain medical conditions or allergies to determine whether the child can be vaccinated or not. After vaccination, please wait 15-30 minutes for observation. If there’s no concerning reaction, then the child may leave the spot and take a rest. Anticipate for side effects such as fever, dizziness, pain/swelling at the injection area with paracetamol and cold compresses. It’s been proven that Covid-19 vaccines save lives. Let's protect your children and save more lives by supporting this program.

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