05 Oct 2023

How to Report Using Social Media, a Part of CRM

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

05 Oct 2023

Do you tweet as loudly as a bird? Are you confident in giving your thumb up? Everyone has their own preferences in the use of social media. Another thing that we know for sure: it is an easy tool to interact even to report Smartcitizens’s problems. Yes, CRM or Cepat Respon Masyarakat integrates all channels to report problems in Jakarta, including social media. Now, how does one snitch by using it? Come find out below!

How to Report Using Social Media, a Part of CRM

Report Problems in Jakarta Via Social Media

Some people treat social media as their morning newspaper. You wake up and the first thing you read is your chaotic Home page. You should know that you can utilise it too by reporting your problems! Find a broken road or irritated by illegal parking? Whatever that bothers you in the city, capture and send it to DKI Jakarta Provincial Government’s official social media accounts:

You are also free to report to the personal social media account of the Governor. You can jot down these steps: 

  1. Take a photo of the problem you encounter.
  2. Message to report privately using the social media account of your choice. On Twitter, you can also choose Post to report publicly.
  3. Write a full description of your problem, attach the photo you have taken earlier, and provide the complete address of the location. 
  4. You will receive a Report ID that you can use to track. Below is an example of the response on Twitter.

The response from @DKIJakarta to a reported problem on Twitter, a part of CRM/Cepat Respon Masyarakat


Twitter has its own characteristics. So, there are a few things you need to remember before reporting using the Posting feature:

  • Remember to provide a complete address or reference to the location of the report. This is necessary because Twitter does not provide complete geographical/geotagging information.
  • Do not protect your Twitter account. Reports from protected accounts cannot be seen by @DKIJakarta.

Simple, right? These things can help officials follow up on the reports provided.

Track Your Report

The follow-up process is an important part of CRM’s system. This is why the Jakarta Regional Apparatus Organization (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah/OPD) always strive to provide appropriate action to resolve reported problems. You can track the follow-up progress of your report on:

  1. crm.jakarta.go.idwebsite
  2. Citizen Report feature on JAKI, the super-app

As soon as you open one of them, you will see the search bar of Report ID. Fill it in with the Report ID. After that, you will see the report status or Status Laporan. There is also a history or Riwayat tab to see the status steps, from waiting or Menunggu to finished or Selesai.


Report ID search bar on CRM/Cepat Respon Masyarakat website to track your report


As mentioned earlier in this article, social media is included by CRM as one of the integrated channels. Moreover, there are many other ways that you can use. Here are the complete 13 official complaint channels:

  1. JAKI
  2. Twitter @DKIakarta
  3. Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta 
  4. Email dki@jakarta.go.id
  5. Governor or Vice Governor’s personal social media
  6. SMS/WhatsApp 08111272206
  7. City Hall
  8. Inspectorate Office
  9. Mayor’s Office
  10. District’s Office
  11. Sub-District’s Office
  12. Mass Media Public Aspirations 
  13. LAPOR! 1708


Being a part of Jakarta Smart City, CRM’s integration is aimed to respond to all complaints responsively, efficiently, and transparently. By reporting problems you see, you contribute to making Jakarta become better. Are you ready? To learn more about Jakarta’s problem reporting, follow the social media of @cepatresponjktand @jsclab!


Also read: Get to Know CRM

Authors and Editor

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