Visiting National Library of the Republic of Indonesia

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

13 Sep 2024

Do you often visit libraries? Can you remember the last time you went? Personally, I consider the library my “second home”. Whenever I feel bored, I head straight to the nearest library. There’s a special celebration for library visitors in Indonesia called Hari Kunjung Perpustakaan (library visit day). To celebrate it, I decided to visit the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia . Ever heard of it? It’s usually referred to as Perpusnas, short for Perpustakaan Nasional. Let’s dive into it below!

The History of Hari Kunjung Perpustakaan

Hari Kunjung Perpustakaan  was established because libraries help boost Indonesia’s literacy index. According to Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan Keuangan Perpusnas Joko Santoso, this celebration started on 14 September 1995, based on Ketetapan Presiden kepada Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional RI through letter number 020/A1/VIII/1995.

Libraries strive to make us all knowledgeable. According to Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perpusnas Deni Kurniadi, this can be achieved through a reading culture, which also helps develop cognitive abilities in individuals.


Visiting the National Library of RI

Perpusnas is located at Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 11, Central Jakarta. If you plan to visit, make sure to note the address. It’s quite easy to access. I took the Transjakarta bus and got off at Balai Kota Bus Stop. The National Library Stop is another alternative. Prefer the train? You can stop at Gondangdia KRL Station or Bundaran HI Astra MRT Station. For route, schedule, and fare information, I usually use the Public Transport feature on JAKI.

On public holidays or joint leave days, the library is closed. However, you’re free to visit during the operational hours:

  • Monday–Friday: 8:00 AM–7:00 PM; and
  • Saturday–Sunday: 9:00 AM–3:30 PM.


Exploring the National Library of RI 

Visiting Perpusnas reminds me of my college days. I would go there to finish my thesis. Now, in the midst of being busy as an employee, this visit still excited me!

Perpusnas doesn’t “overwhelm” visitors with piles of books right away. When entering the 1st Floor, which serves as the Lobby Hall & Display, I was greeted by an exhibition of Indonesian history. Visitors can explore the history of Indonesian scripts here. After enjoying the exhibition, I entered the main Perpusnas building. It is the famous scaffolding with the “National Library of the Republic of Indonesia” written in five languages:

  1. Indonesian: Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia;

  1. English: National Library of the Republic of Indonesia;

  1. French: Bibliothèque Nationale de la République d'Indonésie;

  1. Mandarin: 印度尼西亚共和国国家图书馆; and

  1. Arabic: المكتبة الوطنية لجمهورية إندونيسيا


National Library of the Republic of Indonesia written in five languages. Source: Jakarta Smart City

National Library of the Republic of Indonesia written in five languages. Source: Jakarta Smart City


After passing through the entrance, there’s Loker Penitipan Tas (bag storage room) on the right side. That is where all visitors’ bags are stored during their visit, whether backpacks or laptop bags. In return, the staff lends a library bag for personal belongings. I was ready to start my journey through the building.


Directory of Perpusnas’ service facility building. Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia

Directory of Perpusnas’ service facility building. Source: Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia


2nd Floor: Layanan Keanggotaan dan Penelusuran Informasi

To enjoy the services at Perpusnas, we need to become an official member. The process is inclusive; anyone can become a member as long as they register. Visitors can register online and pick a queue number to print their card. I completed the whole process on the 2nd Floor, which serves Layanan Keanggotaan & Penelusuran (membership & information services).

How to receive a Perpusnas membership card. Source @perpusnas1

How to receive a Perpusnas membership card. Source @perpusnas1


7th Floor: Anak, Lansia, dan Penyandang Disabilitas 

Perpusnas is equipped with elevators to explore all floors. Out of curiosity, I decided to visit the 7th Floor, the Anak, Lansia, dan Penyandang Disabilitas Area (area for children, the elderly, and people with disabilities). In the children’s area, nostalgic memories came flooding back, with childhood readings like Bobo magazine and Doraemon comics. What a throwback!

I then moved to the area for the elderly and people with disabilities, where I found a variety of audiobooks and popular novels in Braille. The collection was quite impressive! I saw the completePercy Jackson and the Olympians series and the Insurgent novel.

The Insurgent novel in Braille version at Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City

The Insurgent novel in Braille version at Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City


4th Floor: Area Pameran dan Kantin 

I checked the time and noticed it was already 11:25 AM. To be honest, my stomach was starting to growl, so I headed up to the 4th Floor. It is where Kantin (cafeteria) is located. The cafeteria stays open until 4:00 PM, so I still had plenty of time to choose a delicious menu.


8th Floor: Layanan Koleksi Audio Visual

After satisfying my hunger, it was time to move to another exciting area. If you think Perpusnas is just for reading, sorry, you’re actually wrong! You can listen to music here, too. I proceeded to the 8th Floor, where there is Layanan Koleksi Audio Visual (audio visual collection services). The album collection was awesome! I found Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino by Arctic Monkeys and Midnights by Taylor Swift. There’s a special room with album players, allowing visitors to enjoy their favorite music collections. In one corner, Made in the A.M. by One Direction was spinning on a vinyl player. Some people were watching movies on the available computers. I decided to put on the Winnie the Pooh DVD. This place felt like a “little paradise” for music and film lovers!


Listening to a vinyl record at Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City


19th Floor: Layanan Multimedia Berbasis Internet

Still feeling energetic, I moved to the 19th Floor which is for Layanan Multimedia Berbasis Internet (internet based multimedia services). The room was so quiet, filled with visitors absorbed in their laptops. The serene atmosphere and fast WiFi make this a perfect spot for those who want to focus and be productive. Without hesitation, I asked the staff for the WiFi password.


Internet based multimedia services Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Internet based multimedia services Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City


21st–22nd Floors: Layanan Koleksi Monograf Terbuka

I was still eager to explore. On the 21st–22nd Floors, there is Layanan Koleksi Monograf Terbuka (open monograph collection services). This area offers a wide range of reading materials from various genres. Of course, there are plenty of chairs, tables, and bean bags for lounging. If you want to borrow books, the staff at the circulation desk are ready to assist.

Layanan Koleksi Monograf Terbuka at Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Layanan Koleksi Monograf Terbuka at Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City


24th Floor Layanan Koleksi Budaya Nusantara & Eksekutif Lounge 

As the day turned to late afternoon, I reached the 24th Floor. It felt like the perfect place to end my journey. Here, visitors can enjoy Layanan Koleksi Budaya Nusantara & Eksekutif Lounge (nusantara cultural collection service and executive lounge). I decided to step outside. From here, I felt like I was on top of the world, enjoying the view of Jakarta. In the distance, the National Monument (Monumen Nasional/Monas) stood tall. If you zoom in on the photo below, you can even catch a glimpse of the sea in Jakarta!

The Monas view from Perpusnas. Source: Jakarta Smart City


Perpusnas from the 24th Floor. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Spending time in the library not only enhances knowledge, but also brings peace and happiness. So, don’t hesitate to make the library your place for both recreation and education! If you need more information about libraries in Jakarta, remember follow @jsclab!

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