Gardening in the City Thanks to Urban Farming

by:Eva Simorangkir

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Oct 2024

As a resident of Jakarta, have you ever thought about gardening? It may be hard to imagine, considering that this city is a densely built-up area. However, there is one solution that we can try even though we live in a place with limited green space, namely by implementing the concept of urban farming. We can garden ourselves on the land or space available even if it is not large. This activity can provide many benefits, including maintaining food security. Read this article!


Gardening in the city. Source: Jakarta Smart City

Gardening in the city. Source: Jakarta Smart City


Definition of Urban Farming

Urban farming is the practice of gardening by utilizing urban spaces. Some examples of suitable spaces for this activity are:

  1. city parks;
  2. rooftops;
  3. basements; and
  4. home yards.

This means we don’t have to worry about a lack of space if we want to garden in Jakarta. Urban farming has become a beneficial habit.


Various cities  around the world have proven the success of urban farming. New York City, a city in the United States with limited space and high land prices. However, they have managed to establish over 550 community gardens on city property, more than 745 school gardens, and over 700 gardens in public housing complexes. Similarly, Singapore engages all of its citizens to enhance local agriculture through urban farming. Jakarta can implement the same approach as these cities. There are several suitable methods to choose from, allowing us to start gardening.

Urban farming in Singapore. Source:

Urban farming in Singapore. Source:


Urban Farming Methods

Interested in urban farming? Start planning with your loved ones! There are several methods that can yield useful food products. The methods include:

  1. Vertical Gardening: a vertical planting method using bottles or pipes. 

Suitable for leafy vegetables like:

  • spinach;
  • mustard greens; and
  • celery.

Urban farming using the vertical gardening method. Source: Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Pusat Perpustakaan dan Literasi Pertanian

Urban farming using the vertical gardening methodSource: Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Pusat Perpustakaan dan Literasi Pertanian

  1. Wall Gardening: a vertical or tiered planting method on walls.

Suitable for:

  • tomatoes;
  • chilies;
  • tubers; and
  • ornamental plants.


Urban farming using the wall gardening method on Jalan TB Simatupang, South Jakarta. Source: Berita Jakarta

Urban farming using the wall gardening method on Jalan TB Simatupang, South Jakarta. Source: Berita Jakarta 


  1. Hydroponics: a planting method without soil, using only water and nutrients.

Suitable for:

  • cucumbers;
  • melons; and
  • herbs.

Urban farming using the hydroponic method by TP PKK Kelurahan Taman Sari, Kecamatan Taman Sari, West Jakarta. Source: @urbanfarming.dkijkt

Urban farming using the hydroponic method by TP PKK Kelurahan Taman Sari, Kecamatan Taman Sari, West Jakarta. Source: @urbanfarming.dkijkt


  1. Aquaponics: a planting method integrated with the cultivation of aquatic animals like fish.

Suitable for:

  • lettuce;
  • water spinach;
  • green spinach; and
  • tomatoes.

Urban farming using the aquaponics method. Source: Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Pusat Perpustakaan dan Literasi Pertanian

Urban farming using the aquaponics method. Source: Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Pusat Perpustakaan dan Literasi Pertanian


Benefits of Urban Farming

Urban farming has proven to bring many benefits. The crops can either be sold or enjoyed with family. Some other benefits include:

  1. healthier food products as they are pesticide-free;
  2. saving on family food expenses;
  3. business ideas;
  4. creation of Green Open Spaces (RTH);
  5. increased community productivity; and
  6. a recreational and relaxation venue.

By practicing urban farming, we can independently provide essential food needs. This is a direct contribution to food security (ketahanan pangan) in the city. According to UU No. 18/2012 tentang Pangan, food security is a condition where food is fulfilled for the country up to individuals which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, evenly distributed, and affordable and does not conflict with the religion, beliefs, and culture of the community, to be able to live healthily, actively, and productively in a sustainable manner.

Access to food like vegetables and fruits becomes easier. By widely implementing urban farming in Jakarta, we can maintain food stability. This will help preserve Jakarta’s environment and support its vision as a smart city through the smart environment  pillar. Some farming groups we can follow in their footsteps are:

  1. Kelompok Tani (Poktan) Ikatan Masyarakat Pancoran Lanjut Usia (Impala); and
  2. Kelompok Tani (Poktan) Cikini 73.


Kelompok Tani in Jakarta. Source: @kotajaktim

Kelompok Tani in Jakarta. Source: @kotajaktim

After exploring everything about urban farming, do you feel inspired now? This activity could be your small step towards contributing to food security. Plus, you get to enjoy the results! Let’s work together to make Jakarta greener and healthier. Curious about more information on urban farming? Don’t forget to follow @jsclab  and @urbanfarming.dkijkt!

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