21 Feb 2022

Latest Odd-Even Policy in Jakarta

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

21 Feb 2022

The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has extended the Odd-Even Traffic Restriction System for 4-wheeled or more motorised vehicles. All rules regarding this odd-even policy are regulated through the Instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 10 of 2022, Gubernatorial Regulation Number 3 of 2021, Attachments to the Governor's Decree Number 133 of 2022, and Decree of The Head Transportation Department Number 80 of 2022.

The implementation of the odd-even system is based on the last digit on the motorised vehicle registration plate. If the last digit is an odd number, the vehicle may operate on odd days. If the last digit on the vehicle’s plate is an even number, then it may operate on an even date. Meanwhile, zero is considered even.

Where Does The Odd-Even Policy Apply?

Odd-even policy applies to 13 roads. The odd-even policy on the 13 roads was implemented on 15-21 Februari 2022, from Monday-Friday 06.00 to 10.00 WIB & 16.00 to 21.00 WIB. The details of the road sections are as follows.

  1. M.H. Thamrin Street
  2. Jenderal Sudirman Street
  3. Sisingamangaraja Street
  4. Panglima Polim Street
  5. Fatmawati Street, starting from the intersection of Ketimun 1 Street to the intersection of TB Simatupang Street
  6. Tomang Raya Street
  7. Letjen S. Parman Street, starting from the intersection of Tomang Raya Street to Gatot Subroto Street
  8. Gatot Subroto Street 
  9. M.T. Haryono Street
  10. H.R. Rasuna Said Street 
  11. D.I. Panjaitan Street
  12. Jenderal A. Yani Street, starting from the intersection of Bekasi Timur Raya Street to the intersection of Perintis Kemerdekaan Street 
  13. Gunung Sahari Street

Meanwhile, for the period of 15-21 February 2022, there will be no odd-even traffic restrictions at 3 tourist attractions (Taman Margasatwa Ragunan, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, and Ancol Taman Impian).

Motorised Vehicles That Are Allowed to Enter Odd-Even Areas

Based on the Head of Transportation Department’s Decree No. 57 of 2022, there are several types of motorised vehicles that are allowed to enter odd-even areas. The vehicles are as follows.

  1. Specially marked vehicles carrying people with disabilities
  2. Ambulance 
  3. Fire fighting vehicle
  4. Public transport vehicles (yellow plate)
  5. Vehicles driven by electric motors
  6. Motorcycle
  7. Special goods transport vehicle for fuel and gas 
  8. The vehicles for the leadership of the high institutions of the Republic of Indonesia:
    1. President/Vice President;
    2. Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly/People's Representative Council/Regional Representative Council; and
    3. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court/Constitutional Court/Judicial Commission/Financial Audit Board.
  9. Operational Service Vehicles with red plates, TNI and POLRI (police)
  10. Vehicles for Leaders and Officials of Foreign Countries and International Institutions who are state guests
  11. Vehicles to provide assistance in traffic accidents
  12. Vehicles for certain purposes according to the consideration of POLRI officers, such as money carriers (Bank Indonesia, interbank, ATM filling) with supervision from the POLRI
  13. Vehicles for handling Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) officers during the national disaster management period caused by the spread of Coronavirus Disease
  14. Covid-19 patient mobilisation vehicle
  15. Covid-19 vaccine mobilisation vehicle
  16. Oxygen cylinder transport vehicle
  17. Logistics transport freight vehicle

Those are the summary of the Odd Even System Traffic Restriction regulations in Jakarta. For those of you who will be mobilising, it is recommended that you adjust the traffic arrangements that have been set, obey traffic signs, follow the instructions of officers in the field and prioritise road safety. You can also access this Odd-Even Regulation via the Jakarta Transportation Agency’s social media post. During the pandemic, don't forget to stay away from crowds and obey health protocol so that we can stop the transmission of Coronavirus.

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