Where to Get Your Covid-19 Vaccines
“Where can I be vaccinated?”
This question may start to pop out again in our minds after the government officially announced that the Covid-19 vaccination is finally available for people aged 18 years and over. Since June 9, 2021, Jakarta citizens aged over 18 years have been able to queue for their vaccine doses, while still prioritizing health workers, the elderly, and public servants. This step is part of the government's commitment to accelerate the distribution of vaccinations to all citizens.
Based on technical instructions from the Ministry of Health, the Covid-19 vaccination is carried out at Health Service Facilities belonging to the Central Government, Provincial Governments, and Regency/City Governments. In addition, vaccination can also be carried out in public/private health facilities that meet certain requirements. The types of health facilities that carry out the Covid-19 vaccination are as follows:
- Public Health Center;
- Clinic;
- Hospital; and/or
- Health service unit at the Port Health Office
There are various vaccination locations available in Jakarta. To check the nearest vaccination location, you can now use Google Maps. For example, you can type in “Covid-19 vaccination”, and you will see a list of vaccination locations. This feature is available through the collaboration between Jakarta Smart City (JSC), Jakarta Health Agency, and Google.
[Search Covid-19 Vaccination Locations on Google Maps]
To get a vaccination schedule, several health facilities usually require citizens to register themselves first. For a no-hassle process, you can register for vaccinations through JAKIapplication or corona.jakarta.go.id/vaksinasi. In addition, citizens can register through the RT/RW in their neighborhood. When you finally get your schedule, please come on time to the vaccination location to avoid crowds. Also, by being punctual, it’d help our Health Workers to get their job done a lot easier.
Below are some vaccination locations that you can use as future reference when you’re getting vaccinated.
Serviam Vaccination Center
Santa Ursula School, located in Central Jakarta, is one of the vaccination locations in Jakarta. The Serviam Vaccination Center is also a product of collaboration between Nahdlatul Ulama, Caritas Indonesia, and the Daya Dharma Institute. Here are the terms and conditions of vaccination at the Serviam Vaccination Center:
- aged 18 years and over;
- bring DKI Jakarta e-KTP or a certificate of domicile in DKI Jakarta from the local RT/RW;
- register via vaksinasiserviam.com
- body temperature of the vaccine recipient should be <37.5°C;
- the recipient should not be in pregnancy terms;
- the vaccine recipient is not currently receiving treatment for blood clotting disorders/blood disorders/immune deficiency/blood transfusion recipients/immunosuppressant treatment (corticosteroids & chemotherapy);
- the vaccine recipient does not have an autoimmune disease such as asthma, lupus, severe congestive heart disease, chronic lung disease, or hypertension;
- for vaccine recipients who are routinely treated for other chronic diseases, please bring a Letter of Recommendation for AstraZeneca vaccination from a specialist.
Lippo Mall Puri
Schedule : Monday-Friday, 10.00-15.30, not valid on holidays. Vaccination is carried out until June 30, 2021.
Requirements :
- Jakarta e-KTP or Proof of Residency Letter from the local RT/RW
- The vaccination schedule is done through the MySiloam application
Artha Gading Mall
Schedule : Monday-Saturday, 10.00-15.00 WIB
Requirements :
- Open to the public
- For Indonesian citizens aged 18 years and over
- Vaccine recipient must bring:
- e-KTP for DKI Jakarta citizens
- Proof of Residency Letter from the local RT/RW for non-Jakarta citizen
- Registration time is only open Monday-Saturday at the Redemption Counter at 10.00-18.00 WIB
- The first 350 registrants on that day will get the D+1 vaccination schedule
- Participants must attend according to the specified schedule, if not, you need to re-register
- Participants must meet the terms and conditions above to register for the vaccine.
Easy Vaccination Registration via JAKI
Smartcitizen will be able to register for vaccinations through the official application of the Jakarta Provincial Government, JAKI, or corona.jakarta.go.id/id/vaksinasi. Be on the lookout for updates by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebookso you won't miss the info. Don't have JAKI yet? Go get it now on the Google Play Storeor App Store.
Hopefully, this information will boost your confidence in getting vaccinated! Let's give our support and get this program to reach its success!