Here’s How To Apply for Jakpreneur and Its Requirements
Smartcitizen, have you ever heard about Jakpreneur? For your information, Jakpreneur is a platform established by the Jakarta Provincial Government to accommodate creative and innovative communities in order to advance their micro, small, and medium scale enterprises (UMKM). It is hoped that the UMKM that participates in the program can develop the communities’ potential and help the effort of economic recovery in Jakarta.
For those of you who have an intention or are currently just starting a business, you surely don’t want to miss this golden opportunity. So, let’s just read this article to find out the terms and ways to register your small and local business in Jakpreneur!
Requirements to Apply for Jakpreneur
The Jakpreneur program is for the residents of DKI Jakarta who have a Jakarta-based ID Card or even a non-DKI Jakarta one. You can apply for Jakpreneur as a Beginner Entrepreneur (Wirausaha Pemula) or Grade Up Entrepreneur (Wirausaha Naik Kelas). The requirements are as follows.
Requirements to apply for Jakpreneur as a Beginner Entrepreneur:
- Own a DKI Jakarta-based ID Card; and
- A statement letter of planning to open a business which can be in the form of online statement through Jakpreneur application
Requirements to apply for Jakpreneur as a Grade Up Entrepreneur:
- Own a DKI Jakarta-based ID Card;
- Proof of business ownership; and
- A statement letter of planning to develop a business which can be in the form of an online statement through the Jakpreneur application.
Beginners Entrepreneurs and Grade Up Entrepreneurs who do not have a DKI Jakarta-based ID Card can register as Jakpreneur participants with the following conditions:
- Domiciled and active in Jakarta for at least two years, as proven by a certificate from the head of sub-district; and
- Receive facilities or activities that collaborate with other institutions or parties.
Procedures to Apply for Jakpreneur
Here’s how to register your businessfor the Jakpreneur program.
- Open the page on your browser
And there you have it. Hopefully, with the Jakpreneur program, the economy of Jakarta during this pandemic can immediately recover. If you want to look for any information about Jakpreneur before registering your business, you can access the dedicated feature for Jakpreneur through the JAKI application! Download now in Google Play Storeor App Store. Let’s create a more prosperous and collaborative economy with Jakpreneur!