29 May 2023

Here's How Your Report Is Resolved

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

29 May 2023

Smartcitizen, did you know that the Jakarta Provincial Government has a strategy to solve city problems? It is called Cepat Respon Masyarakat (CRM), a system that integrates 13 official complaint channels. Through the CRM system, the flow of coordination and bureaucracy between Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) becomes shorter, and the handling of complaints becomes more effective and efficient, so that your report can be completed in a short time.

Reports that come in cannot be resolved immediately. This is because the report must go through a journey or process first. Starting from submitting a report through 13 complaint channels, coordination with the relevant regional apparatus through the CRM Officer, until verification of the follow-up results and declared completed. Curious how your report journey is completed? Let’s take a peek at the journey.

Report Through Complaint Channels


Kanal Pengaduan Resmi

When you find city problems such as damaged roads, illegal parking, garbage and others, the first step is to report it through 13 official complaint channels managed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. You can report through four integrated complaint channel categories, which are:

  • JAKI App Channel: a mobile application called the Jakarta Kini super-app that can be used for various needs through a variety of interesting features. Starting from reporting problems to monitoring reports can be done in real-time.
  • Social Media Channel: a channel that is suitable for those of you who are active in cyberspace. Consists of Twitter @DKIJakarta, Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta, and Social Media Governor / Deputy Governor.
  • Electronic Mail Channel: a channel using online messages or letters through various media. Such as e-mail dki@jakarta.go.id, WhatsApp/SMS 08111272206, Lapor 1708, and Mass Media Public Aspiration.

Well, there are many choices, right? Reporting problems is easier and can be done anytime.

CRM Officer


After reporting the problem through one of the complaint channels, the next step is to process your report through the CRM Officer application. This application is used specifically by relevant officers to follow up on citizen reports with features that can speed up coordination and report resolution. Through this special application, officers will analyze and follow up on your report, so that it can be resolved properly.

Monitor Reports in Real-time


Tindak Lanjut Laporan

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is committed to public information disclosure. This is reflected in the implementation of the CRM system. One of them, you can monitor the progress of your report in real-time!

After reporting through various complaint channels, you will get a report number that you can use to monitor the progress of your report. There are two ways to monitor your report, namely:

  • JakRespon feature on JAKI


Fitur JakRespon

Through this feature, you can enter your report number and see the status of your report progress.

  • CRM Website


Website CRM

Track your report through the official CRM website, input the report number and monitor the progress.

Now, do you understand more about the journey of your report until it is finally completed? Hopefully, you no longer need to worry about helping Jakarta by reporting the problems you encounter. Let’s report your problems through 13 official complaint channels and monitor the progress through the CRM website, also follow CRM social media to get other interesting information.

More in CRM Category

In the first six months of 2024, Jakarta's 13 complaint channels received more than 95,000 reports. Read more here.

CRM (Citizen Relation Management) Jakarta continues to follow up on reported problems. This is his journey through 2023.

Citizen Relation Management integrates 13 complaint channels. Want to hear what the reporters have to say about CRM? Read here.

For three months, CRM received various reports from reporters in Jakarta. Check it out here!

Using Twitter or Facebook to report your problems, CRM or Cepat Respon Masyarakat integrates the channels suitable for you. Read here!

Often see illegal parking? You can report illegal parking that you find in Jakarta through JAKI. Find out how here.