10 Aug 2023

How to Report Illegal Parking

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

10 Aug 2023

In Jakarta, the number of motorized vehicles continues to increase from year to year. Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data shows that in 2022, the number of motorized vehicles will reach 26.37 million units. This number increased by 4.39% from previous year which amounted to 25.26 million units. This motorized vehicle growth can have both positive and negative impacts. One of its negative impacts is illegal parking problems, because there are not enough parking spaces for vehicles.

Illegal parking is among the urban issues that can lead to congestion, accidents, and inconvenience for citizens. It frequently occurs in busy centers such as markets, malls, stations, and office areas. Therefore, it is essential for us to take an active role in reporting and addressing the problem of illegal parking.

About Illegal Parking


Kendaraan Parkir Liar

illegal parking refers to parking a vehicle that is out of place or unauthorized. Throughout 2022, a total of 7,899 reports on illegal parking have been received by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through 13 complaint channels that are integrated through the Rapid Community Response (CRM) system.

Wow, quite a lot, huh. The reports came from 2,592 reporters, with an average of three reports per reporter. Of the many reports, 100% have been resolved with the fastest follow-up completion time of four hours.

Report Illegal Parking


Lapor di JAKI

One way to deal with illegal parking is to play an active role as a citizen, including you. Reporting illegal parking problems so that they can be handled by the relevant officers can be an effective way. All you have to do is choose one of the 13 official complaint channels integrated in the Rapid Community Response (CRM) system. You can choose to report from anywhere and anytime.

Before reporting, clearly identify and record the locations where illegal parking often occurs. Pay attention to whether illegal parking causes traffic congestion or disrupts pedestrian access. By understanding the root of the problem, your report will be more effective and help officers to respond appropriately.

Report via Social Media

For those of you who are active and up-to-date in cyberspace, reporting this way is more appropriate:

  • Open Direct Message or Mention
  • Write a full description, along with supporting photos and locations
  • Mention one of these official social media: Twitter @DKIJakarta, Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta, or the Governor’s Social Media.
  • Your report will get a Report ID for you to track the follow-up process on the CRM website.

Report through JAKI


Lapor di JAKI

As an application to fulfill various needs of Jakarta residents, one of the benefits of JAKI is that you can use Lapor feature to report city problems by:

  • Download and open the JAKI App
  • Tap the camera icon at the bottom of the Home screen
  • Select private/public report
  • Take a photo, then select a category and fill in the details up to your location.

Report directly to the officer


Lapor lewat petugas

For those of you who want to report directly to the officer or have difficulty accessing other complaint channels, you can go directly to the City Hall Hall, Mayor’s Office, Inspectorate Office, District Office, or Kelurahan Office. Here’s how:

  • Prepare supporting files/documents
  • Go directly to one of the offices above
  • Meet the officer and explain your problem along with supporting documents.
  • Get a report number and track the progress of your report on the CRM website.

Here are the steps you can take to report illegal parking issues in Jakarta. It’s a straightforward process, isn’t it? By actively participating in reporting problems in your vicinity, you’re contributing to the enhancement of Jakarta’s urban environment, making it more pleasant and convenient for everyone. The greater the number of citizens engaged in reporting instances of illegal parking, the more efficient the resolution of this concern becomes. Through effective collaboration, a multitude of violations, including illegal parking, can be minimized, thereby elevating the overall quality of life for Jakarta’s residents.

Don’t forget to follow JSC’s social media to get information or other interesting tips and CRM’s social media to get updates regarding the handling of reports or officers.

More in CRM Category

In the first six months of 2024, Jakarta's 13 complaint channels received more than 95,000 reports. Read more here.

CRM (Citizen Relation Management) Jakarta continues to follow up on reported problems. This is his journey through 2023.

Citizen Relation Management integrates 13 complaint channels. Want to hear what the reporters have to say about CRM? Read here.

For three months, CRM received various reports from reporters in Jakarta. Check it out here!

Using Twitter or Facebook to report your problems, CRM or Cepat Respon Masyarakat integrates the channels suitable for you. Read here!

Often see illegal parking? You can report illegal parking that you find in Jakarta through JAKI. Find out how here.