17 Mar 2025

This is How CRM Solves Your Reports

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

17 Mar 2025

Every time you encounter a problem in your surroundings—whether it's a damaged road, waste burning, or a broken streetlight—Smartcitizens certainly hope for a quick response from the government. In Jakarta, quick response to public complaints is made possible through the Citizen Relations Management  (CRM) system.

About Citizen Relations Management 

The Citizen Relations Management is a platform developed by the Jakarta Provincial Government to handle public reports in an integrated and swift manner. This system accommodates reports from citizens through 13 official complaint channels in Jakarta, namely the JAKI application, Twitter @DKIJakarta, Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta, email at dki@jakarta.go.id, the Governor's social media, SMS to 08111272206, Balai Warga on the website jakarta.go.id, the urban village office, sub-district office, mayor's office, City Hall pavilion, inspectorate office, and LAPOR 1708.

This CRM system is also directly connected to the CRM application used by officers from various agencies, including urban village heads and relevant departments. Therefore, reports from Smartcitizens can be processed and followed up more efficiently.

The Workflow of Following Up on Public Reports in CRM

When you submit a report through one of the 13 official complaint channels, the report will be forwarded to the officers’ CRM application. At this stage, the urban village head, who is the first to receive the report, will verify it and coordinate with the relevant department.

After that, the report will be followed up according to the category of the issue. If it requires involving another agency, the department can delegate it to the relevant sub-department.

Maximum Follow-Up Time of Seven Days

Of course, you don't want your report to be merely recorded without any real action, do you? Therefore, the Jakarta Provincial Government enforces a maximum time limit of seven working days to resolve reports. Within that period, officers are required to respond and address the reported issue.

Not only that, but the follow-up process is also closely monitored through the CRM system. If there are reports that are not handled within the stipulated time, it can result in the reduction of Regional Performance Allowances (TKD) for the relevant agency. This regulation is outlined in Governor Regulation Number 19 of 2020 concerning Employee Income and the Secretary’s Decree Number 22 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Follow-Up on Public Complaint Handling through the Officers’ CRM Application.

This shows that the government is serious about ensuring that all reports receive proper attention and swift handling. On the other hand, CRM also helps improve the accountability of government agencies.

The Jakarta Provincial Government also provides a report tracking portal through the CRM website so you can monitor the progress of your submitted report. Just enter the report number, and you can see the latest status of your report.

Concrete Evidence That CRM Works Quickly and Accurately

From the beginning of the year until the end of February 2025, the CRM system has successfully followed up on thousands of reports from Jakarta citizens. Based on the latest data, as many as 31,410 reports or equivalent to 91.2% have been successfully resolved. The effectiveness of CRM in assisting with more efficient public report follow-up has also been directly felt by the community.

Through Twitter, several citizens have expressed their satisfaction with the follow-up service provided by the Citizen Relations Management (CRM). One of them is a user with the account @kumamoooong, who was impressed by the quick response from the relevant party after reporting a problem in Jakarta through CRM.

Another resident with the account @qronoz also appreciated the success of the Jakarta Government in transforming the governance system through the JAKI application. As one of the official complaint channels integrated with CRM, JAKI has proven to facilitate the public in submitting complaints and monitoring the progress of their reports.

Moreover, @qronoz also praised the Jakarta Government's initiative to establish a strong regulatory foundation to support this system. The policy of linking report follow-up with Regional Performance Allowances (TKD) for civil servants is considered an effective breakthrough.

Satisfaction with the CRM service was also expressed by a citizen with the Twitter account @BismillahSugih. In his tweet, he shared his experience reporting an unpleasant odor in Taman Puring through the JAKI application. Initially, he did not expect his report to be followed up on, considering the problem had been ongoing for two weeks. However, he was surprised when he found out that his report was truly responded to, and the unpleasant odor issue was eventually resolved.

The experience of @BismillahSugih serves as concrete evidence of how the CRM system integrated with JAKI can bring about positive changes within the community. Through responsive and transparent report handling, citizens can feel more acknowledged and involved in efforts to create a more comfortable Jakarta.

Seeing how the CRM system works responsively and transparently, you no longer need to hesitate to report various problems in your neighborhood. Every report you submit will certainly receive the proper attention. Want to submit a report through JAKI? Download the app from Google Play Storeor Apple App Store, for free!

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