14 Feb 2023

How to Check Tickets for Booster Vaccines

by:Muhammad Raedyan Kahfi

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

14 Feb 2023

Last year 2021 marked the beginning of the fight against Covid-19 through a vaccination program. Starting with the gradual administration of the first dose of vaccine, then continued with the second dose. In 2022, seeing the development of conditions and situations, the first dose of booster vaccine was started. In 2023, the Central Government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continue to carry out further vaccination programs by providing a second booster vaccine. Of course, it aims to optimize the body’s immunity in dealing with Covid-19, and accelerate the recovery process.

The following are the requirements for getting a booster vaccine:

  1. have an Indonesian ID card;

  1. 18 years old and above;

  1. have vaccinated doses 1 and 2 at least 6 months after the injection of dose 2; and

  1. have a booster vaccine ticket at PeduliLindungi.

There are several types of vaccines used for booster vaccines in Indonesia, namely half a dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine for primary vaccine recipients (doses 1 and 2) of Sinovac type. Half a dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine will be given to recipients of the AstraZeneca primary vaccine. For the second booster vaccine, there are currently Pfizer and Zfivax vaccines. Smartcitizens who previously used the Sinovac vaccine can use the Zfivax vaccine for this second booster vaccine.

As time goes by and this vaccination program begins to raise questions about the booster vaccine, such as how to get it? To get a booster vaccine, you must first have a booster vaccine e-ticket which you can see on the PeduliLindungi application and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government super-app, JAKI. If you don’t have a booster vaccine ticket, make sure you check these apps regularly.

To check your booster vaccine ticket, here’s how.

Here’s how to check your booster vaccine ticket on the PeduliLindungi app:

  1. Log in first using your NIK and full name.

  1. The main screen will appear like this, then click the account icon in the upper left corner.


Aplikasi Peduli Lindungi

  1. Select “Vaccine History and Tickets”.


Tiket Vaksin Peduli Lindungi

  1. If you haven’t received a booster vaccine ticket, it will only show vaccine history up to dose 3. However, if you have received a ticket, a vaccine ticket will appear as follows:



  1. You can click “Save as image” to save the ticket and show it at the vaccination site.

  1. Done.

Check Tickets and Register for Booster Vaccines at JAKI

Open the JAKI application and click on the “Covid-19 Vaccination Registration” banner.

  1. Enter your NIK and full name, then click the “Check” button.


Beranda JAKI

  1. If you don’t have a booster vaccine ticket, the display will show like this:

  1. If you already have a booster vaccine ticket, you can register for the booster vaccine in Jakarta by clicking the “Re-register for Vaccination Dose 4” button.


Tiket Vaksin JAKI

  1. Complete your personal details and any further questions on the next page.

  1. Registration is complete. Please go to the health facility of your choice on the specified schedule.

Let’s Booster Vaccine As Soon As Possible!

The opportunity to protect yourself extra in the midst of this pandemic is wide open. You can easily get a booster vaccine. Download JAKI to check your vaccination status and register for the vaccine anytime, anywhere. After vaccination, don’t let the health protocols that you have been implementing slacken, remember the pandemic is not over yet. Vaccination and strict health protocols are the best efforts to bring us to the end of the pandemic and move on to the endemic period.


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