24 Jul 2024

In Numbers: CRM Reports From January-June 2024

by:Eva Simorangkir, Amira Sofa

Editor:Ramdan Malik Batubara, Aditya Gagat Hanggara

24 Jul 2024

Living in Jakarta, you might encounter urban issues such as waste, and public order disturbances. As a citizen, you can report these issues through 13 official complaint channels. The CRM system, or Citizen Relation Management, integrates these 13 complaint channelsso that officers can follow up and resolve reports in Jakarta more efficiently.

Bedah Data Laporan Juli-September 2023 dari CRM

In January-June 2024, CRM received various reports from the residents of Jakarta. Below is the complete data of reports followed up by CRM.

Numbers of January-June 2024 Citizen Reports 

All reports submitted by the public undergo a confirmation process before being forwarded to the OPD or Regional Device Organization responsible for addressing the reports. Then, the Government Bureau (Biro Pemerintahan) verifies the follow-up after it has been handled properly. The following is the amount of data received by the CRM system in January-June 2024:

  • Reports:
  • January: 17,261
  • February: 14,863
  • March: 15,985
  • April: 13,992
  • May: 18,122
  • June:15,581

Total reports: 95,804

  • Pelapor:
  • January: 6,107
  • February: 5,548
  • March: 5,688
  • April: 5,087
  • May: 6,076
  • June:5,768

Total citizen reporters: 23,530

It can be concluded that there were 95,804 reports received from 23,530 reporters in Jakarta.

Data for January-June 2024 from CRM

Source: crm.jakarta.go.id/data-bulanan

CRM will consistently follow up on issues reported by residents. The responsible OPD promptly handles the reports to ensure their resolution. Here is the data on report resolution for January-June 2024:

  • Reports resolved: 91, 258 or 95,3%
  • Resolution time: 144 hours or 6 days



Data for January-June 2024 CRM reports that have been resolved

Source: crm.jakarta.go.id/data-bulanan

Residents can report problems in various categories. Currently, the focus of attention is on roads. Citizens reported various road problems, from potholes on the sidewalks, parked vehicles that disturbed the public road, and even inconvenience due to blacked-out street lights. Potholes on the roads or sidewalks can occur due to age or rain. So, the government will always be willing to handle this kind of problem. Violations committed by other citizens will be followed up firmly. Here are the five most popular report categories for July-September 2023:

  1. Roads (Jalan): 13,642 reports

  1. Illegal Parking (Parkir Liar): 10,212 reports

  1. Trees (Pohon:) 9,803 reports

  1. Garbage (Sampah): 8,334 reports

  1. Complaints about Government Building Facilities (schools, offices) (Keluhan Fasilitas Gedung Pemda [sekolah, kantor]): 6,399 reports


 January-June 2024 CRM report category data

Source: crm.jakarta.go.id/data-bulanan


13 Official CRM Complaint Channels

Reporting issues encountered is one way to make Jakarta a better place. Want to contribute? It's easy! Here are the 13 official complaint channels in CRM that you can use:


2. Twitter @DKIJakarta

3. Facebook Pemprov DKI Jakarta

  1. E-mail dki@jakarta.go.id

  1. Governor's or Vice Governor's Personal Social Media

  1. SMS/WhatsApp 08111272206

  1. City Hall

  1. Inspectorate Office

  1. Mayor's Office

  1. District Office

  1. Sub-district Office

  1. Mass Media Public Aspirations 

13. LAPOR! 1708


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Let's work together to make Jakarta a more comfortable city! Don't forget to follow the social media accounts @cepatresponjktand @jsclabfor further information on reporting issues in Jakarta.

Authors and Editor

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