06 Jul 2021

Do’s and Don’t During The Emergency PPKM

by:Amira Sofa, Mike Nafizahni

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

06 Jul 2021

One of the domino effects of the current spike in Covid-19 cases is the tightening of the implementation of emergency public activity restrictions (PPKM Darurat). To reduce the number of soaring cases, the PPKM regulation was adjusted and implemented effectively from 3 July to 20 July, 2021. The adjustment to the regulation was made based on the Decree of the Governor of Jakarta Number 875 of 2021. Then, what is the difference? Let’s take a look at the summary of the Emergency PPKM below!


According to the Emergency PPKM regulation, employees in non-essential sectors in Jakarta are required to work from home 100%. Government agencies that provide public services may only operate with a maximum of 25% of employees working in the office and 75% others working from home. Meanwhile, essential sectors such as finance, banking, capital market, payment systems, information and communication technology, non-Covid-19 quarantine handling hotels, and export-oriented industries can implement 50% work from home systems and 50% work from office systems. Critical sectors like energy, health, security, logistics and transportation, food and beverage industry, and other critical sectors are allowed to operate 100% in the offices.

Every office that operates must also implement strict health protocols, limiting working hours, limiting the number of people, periodically testing for Covid-19, and also vaccinating workers in the essential sector and construction services.


Emergency PPKM also regulates the implementation of the commerce and industrial sectors in Jakarta. The operating hours for supermarkets and grocery stores that sell daily necessities are limited until 8 p.m only, with a capacity of 50% visitors. Traditional markets are only allowed to operate until 1 p.m with a capacity of 50% visitors. Main markets (pasar induk) are allowed to operate according to the operating hours. Drug stores are allowed to open 24 hours.

Houses of Worship

In the current PPKM regulation, houses of worship, such as mosques, churches, and temples are closed and not allowed to hold religious activities that have the potential to build crowds. For this reason, people are instructed to worship at home.


During the Emergency PPKM period, public tourist attractions, public parks, and other public areas are prohibited to operate due to the consideration that they might cause high risk of Covid-19 transmission.

For those who have a permit to organize events, wedding ceremonies as well as wedding receptions at hotels and conference halls, are allowed to hold a reception with a maximum of 30 visitors and the implementation of stricter health protocols. It should also be noted that no meal or drink services could be served during the event. Provisions of food are only allowed in a closed package and visitors must take them home.

Shopping Centers

Meanwhile, shopping centers and malls are temporarily closed at the moment. However, access to the restaurants and supermarkets are still open, considering the critical sectors and its activities. 


Dining-in at restaurants, food stalls, cafes, street food stalls is prohibited and customers can only use delivery or take away services.


In the latest Emergency PPKM regulation, public transportations, mass transportations, conventional and online taxis, and rental vehicles may operate with a maximum of 50% passengers and apply stricter health protocols.

Online and conventional taxi bikes can carry passengers 100% of the capacity while still implementing health protocols, and must maintain a distance of 1 meter while waiting for passengers. To stay safe when transporting, always use hand sanitizer, wear a mask, and disinfect vehicles.


Based on the latest PPKM regulation, parks, urban forests, green lines, nursery gardens, green open space (RTH) and TMR (Ragunan Wildlife Park) are closed to the general public. Meanwhile, the TPU (Public Cemetery) area can only be used for funeral processes, both funerals with Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 protocols. It should be noted that non-Covid-19 funerals can only be attended by the main family who has been vaccinated, using double masks and following strict health protocols.


Not only parks, RPTRA (Children Friendly Integrated Public Space) is also closed in accordance with PPKM regulation. During the closing period, RPTRA is not allowed to serve community visits and activities, except for Covid-19 vaccination activities, sheltering flood victims or other disasters.


The PPKM regulation for schools, universities, colleges, academies, places of education and training require all teaching and learning activities to be carried out online, including administrative services.


Sports facilities that can cause crowds are temporarily closed during the Emergency PPKM. Supervision is held at various locations that usually become places for outdoor exercise for Jakarta citizens. Meanwhile, during the Emergency PPKM, you can only do outdoor sport activities independently at home or around the neighbourhood. 


During the PPKM period, the public library owned by the Jakarta Provincial Government which was managed by the Jakarta Library and Archives Service was closed. Instead, the library services are migrated to a digital platform through the iJakarta digital library media.


Construction activities continue to operate 100% by setting operating hours and capacity. The entire activity must also implement stricter health protocols. 

Medical Facility

As an essential place during this pandemic, health facilities are one of the places that are allowed to operate 100% during the restrictions. The activities in the health facilities must implement stricter health protocols.

Now you know which sectors are tightening the PPKM in Jakarta. You can maximize the efforts by strictly complying health protocols to prevent Covid-19 transmission (wear masks, wash hands, keep your distance, avoid crowds, and reduce mobility) wherever you are. If you find a violation of the PPKM regulations, don’t hesitate to report it through the JAKI application which you can download on the Google Play Storeor App Store.

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