29 Oct 2021

How Jakarta Anticipates La Niña

by:Amira Sofa

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

29 Oct 2021

Rainy seasons often occur as we get into the end of the year, including this year. As a citizen of Jakarta, you might already feel the change of weather. Although still less in frequency, some areas in Jakarta are experiencing heavy rain in the last few weeks. Apparently, there is a bigger phenomenon behind this rain. BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency) has issued an early warning regarding potential natural disasters due to the La Niña phenomenon. One of the characteristics that may occur due to La Niña is an increase of rainfall, as we have recently experienced in Jakarta.

If you remember, last year we also felt the impact of La Niña in Jakarta. This year's La Niña is predictedto cause a similar impact on Jakarta, followed by hydrometeorological disasters in various regions. Hydrometeorological hazards or disasters can include floods, landslides, flash floods, strong winds, hurricanes, and even tropical storms. So, what is  La Niña? Given the massive effect, how does the Jakarta Provincial Government anticipate La Niña, which is expected to have its peak in February 2022? 

La Niña: Natural Phenomena That Cause Weather Anomalies

La Niña is a global anomaly phenomenon characterized by sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern part of the Pacific Ocean which are cooler than its normal temperatures. Meanwhile, Indonesia's territorial waters or seas are relatively warmer. This causes cloud formation. As a result, rainfall and the rainy season in Indonesia have become heavier and longer. In severe conditions, this phenomenon has the potential to cause various hydro meteorological natural disasters, as already described.

La Niña is unavoidable. However, the effects can be anticipated. So far, the Jakarta Provincial Government and related stakeholders have carried out various mitigation efforts to deal with natural disasters caused by La Niña in Jakarta.

Installation of Rain Intensity Measuring Instruments

One of the efforts made by the government is to install an ombrometer or a rain intensity gauge in Jakarta's sub-districts. Initially, the ombrometer was only installed in 10 sub-districts in Jakarta. However, there have been additional installationsof measuring instruments, so now there are 268 urban villages that have rain intensity gauges. This measuring tool can help the government to know how light or heavy the rain condition is, considering that the rainfall pattern may change. That way, the government can plan appropriate follow-up and handling for sub-districts that have the potential for hydrometeorological disasters.

Monitoring Rivers and Flood Prone Areas Through CCTV

It is undeniable that the involvement of technology makes disaster mitigation and management efforts more optimal. One of them is the installation of CCTV, in collaboration with DKI Jakarta and Bali Tower, in various rivers and flood-prone locations. This helps the government to monitor the condition of water flow in potentially flooded areas in Jakarta in real time.

You can also access the CCTV of the government through Molecool. You just need to open the JAKIapplication. If you don't have the app, download it first via the Google Play Storeor Apple App Store. If JAKI is already installed on your smartphone, open the application, then scroll to the main page until you find the “Kolaborasi Membangun Jakarta” menu. Click the Molecool feature. Next, you will be directed to the Molecool application. On the Molecool main page, select the CCTV feature at the bottom. You will find CCTV in the areas around you. Then, click “SEE ALL” in the upper right corner to view all CCTV. You can use the search feature to view certain CCTVs. In addition, you can also view CCTV based on a map by selecting the icon located at the bottom right of the page.

It is hoped that with this CCTV, not only the government, but also residents can also monitor the condition of water flow in Jakarta. So that if the water in the area around the residents starts to overflow and has the potential to cause disaster, residents can immediately prepare and evacuate.

Dissemination of Early Warning Information

Another preparation made by the government in dealing with La Niña through technology is to disseminate early warning information. This information is sourced from the BMKG and distributed through the Pantau Banjir website,the Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) website, and the JAKI application through the JakWarta feature. For JakWarta, make sure you activate the push notification so you don't miss the information. This early warning information is generally only disseminated when there are early signs of a disaster. However, Smartcitizens are still advised to be alert to any possible disasters.

Notification of Water Level and Available Water Pump Data 

The Jakarta Provincial Government also provides information on water level data consisting of sluice gates and observation posts as well as data on water pumps that are available. You can see this data on the Pantau Banjir website, BPBD website, and the JakPantau feature on JAKI. On the Pantau Banjir website, for example, you can see the weather, water level, and the alert status of floodgates and observation posts around you and other areas. In addition, you can also check the total and operational status of water pumps in various regions.


On the BPBD website, you can also find similar data regarding water level and alert limits at each floodgate. There is also a water level chart that is updated every hour. Meanwhile, in the JakPantau feature, you can also view water level data and the alert status of each floodgate and observation post. This feature is also equipped with data on the total amount and operational status of the water pump along with information regarding floods.



Weather Forecast Notification

During the rainy season, you need to anticipate the weather of Jakarta. This is due to certain weather conditions that can increase the water flow. To ensure that weather information is known to the public, the Jakarta Provincial Government also distributes weather forecasts through the Pantau Banjir websiteand the JakWarta feature on JAKI. Information sourced from this includes duration, weather conditions, as well as a list of areas with high water level status on siaga (alert) 1, siaga 2, siaga 3, and siaga 4.


Provision of Complaint Channels for Potential Natural Disasters

To overcome La Niña in Jakarta, not only the government’s participation, but also the community’s, is needed. One of the things we can do is to report problems that may lead to hydrometeorological disasters. The Jakarta Provincial Government provides 14 complaint channels that Smartcitizens can use in this regard. Among them is the JakLapor feature on JAKI. To report, you can open the JAKI application, click the camera icon at the bottom of the main page, select the type of report, take a photo of the problem, select the report category, fill in the problem description, location, and additional information, then click Kirim Laporan.

Those are some of the preparations made by the Jakarta Provincial Government in dealing with La Niña. There are still many other efforts being carried out in the field such as the construction of infiltration wells, naturalization of rivers, and others. The government has played its role in mitigating natural disasters caused by La Niña. Now, it's our turn as citizens to make the best out of all the provided facilities. Let's monitor natural disasters together and overcome La Niña!

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