28 Dec 2021

10 Fastest Regional Apparatus to Respond Citizen Reports

by:Syora Alya Eka Putri

Editor:Aditya Gagat Hanggara

28 Dec 2021

Before 2021 ended, there had been hundreds of thousands of reports received from citizens and then completed by the relevant Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in Jakarta. Reports from Jakarta residents vary, from disruption of order, roads, illegal parking, trees, garbage, power grids, to illegal levies. Well, for you Smartcitizen, you might be curious about which OPD is the quickest to respond and follow up your report in Jakarta throughout 2021? 

How Quick Citizen Reports Resolved?


Looking at the graph above, we can see that on average the reports from residents can be completed in less than two days. The fastest completion time was in January, with 30.62 hours and the longest was in December, which was 59.18 hours or almost three days. In other months, reports from residents can be completed by the OPD with a maximum time of two days.


Throughout 2021, there are more than 5,000 reports completed in less than a week each month. The number of reports with a completion time of less than a week happened the most in February, with 13,970 reports. After February, the second most reports was in March at 12,743 reports, and the third most reports fell in July at about 11,144 reports. The least number of reports completed in less than one week fell in June (5,866 reports). In the other month, more than 7,000 reports were completed in less than seven days.

Fastest Regional Apparatus to Complete Report 

Finally we arrive at the main question, who is the fastest regional apparatus to respond to your reports? The answer is Gambir Subdistrict, with an average completion time of four minutes. After that, the second position belongs to the Water Resources Information and Data Management Unit with an average completion time of 7.75 minutes. In third place, there is the Central Regional Management Unit of Small and Medium Enterprise Development and Pulogadung Settlement with an average completion time of about 38 minutes. 

Cipayung Urban Village became the fourth fastest regional apparatus organization to complete the citizen report, with 48.8 minutes. Next is Makasar Subdistrict, with an average report completion time of 53 minutes. Furthermore, the other fastest OPD in a row is Roa Malaka Urban Village (64.46 minutes), Jakarta Fine Arts Museum Management Unit (67 minutes), Jakarta Arts Center Management Unit at Taman Ismail Marzuki (68.71 minutes), Duri Pulo Urban Village (71.14 minutes), and finally Pekayon Village (82.69 minutes or less than 1.5 hours). 

In addition to the organizations mentioned, there are still many OPDs in Jakarta that continue to work hard to serve and complete reports provided by citizens through JAKI applications or other complaint channels. So, from data related to the speed of follow-up reports and a list of regional apparatus that completed the report the fastest, we can see that reports are responded swiftly by the relevant officers. Thank you for the performance of OPD which work hard for the people of Jakarta throughout 2021.

Therefore, if you find a problem in Jakarta, do not hesitate to report through the JakLapor feature. JakLapore is more accurate and secure way to send your report, supported with geotagging feature, ability to see reports in real time, and its security is guaranteed with privacy by default. Get JakLapor through the JAKI app on the Google Play Storeor Apple Apps Store. 

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